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In the zoo Oh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo. In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking. The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits in the zoo. They are very cute!Oh,look at the birds,they are flying. I am so happy!Haha! (翻译的)在动物园 噢,今天真暖和!

我打算去动物园. 在动物园,我能看见许多动物.大象在走路. 猴子在荡秋千.在动物园里有许多兔子. 它们非常可爱!噢,看那些小鸟,它们在飞. 我真开心!哈哈!


A Terrible Experience at the Great Wall

One summer, I decided to visit the Great Wall with my family. I was really looking forward to standing on the Great Wall and enjoying the magnificent view.

We arrived at the foot of the Great Wall early in the morning, and immediately started our climb. At first, I felt very excited, but as we approached the middle part, I started to feel tired and even a little scared. The steps became steep and difficult, and I was afraid of falling.

Suddenly, I slipped and fell. I cried out in pain as my leg buckled under me. My parents rushed over to help me up, and I could see the worry in their eyes. But I tried to be brave and held back my tears.

We decided to stop our climb and rest for a while. My dad bandaged my leg, and I sat there feeling sorry for myself. But then, something unexpected happened. A group of foreign tourists came over and asked if I was okay. They spoke to me in English, and although I didn't understand everything they said, I could sense their concern and kindness. They even helped us to finish our journey up to the top of the Great Wall.

That experience taught me a valuable lesson about perseverance and courage. Although I had a terrible fall and felt sorry for myself for a while, I learned that it's okay to feel sorry for yourself sometimes. But it's also important to remember that things often get better after the hard times. And when you're going through hard times, you never know who will be there to help you out.



One thing happened today


Not going to school this afternoon and finishing my homework, I practiced riding a bike in the yard downstairs


Because these days have been practicing bicycle, thought very skilled, so I was initially fast bike ride, thought: the original bike so simple, more ride faster. Boldly in the bike stood up, after a while even more bold, with the left hand right hand on the handlebars, do a small action, beautiful heart!


Suddenly, in a corner, the car is out of balance, my body had thrown to the ground, it really hurts! I patted on the soil, climb up, although I did not fall, but the brake was broken by me.


This thing has taught me a profound lesson: do not play petty tricks, and if you are too self-confident, overestimate yourself, you will fail. In learning, you should be down-to-earth, not arrogant, or you will fall。


We're deeply sorry for this.对于这件事情的发生不需要一字一句的翻译,一个this足以让老外懂得你要表达的意思了。


我这边发生了很多有趣的事情A lot of interesting things happened to me here. 我这边发生了很多有趣的事情A lot of interesting things happened to me here.


I usually have a busy and interesting weekend. I usually do my homework on Saturday morning and then help my parents do some housework. In the afternoon, I usually play basketball with my friends. On Sunday morning I go to the library to read books. In the afternoon I visit my grandparents. I surf the internet and read books in the evening.

我周末通常很忙并很有趣。 我通常在周六上午做作业,然后帮父母做家务。 下午我通常和朋友打篮球。 周日上午我去图书馆看书,下午我去看望祖父母。 晚上上网,看书


In junior high school for four years, a lot of things happened 在初中四年里,发生了许许多多的事情


地方 可以翻译成things,aspects,sides有好的地方,也有坏的地方There are good aspects and bad aspectsThere's a good side of the world also a bad side






This accident is extremely similar to the one that happened three years ago.