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创新价值英语作文? 为什么公司要创新英语作文?



创新价值英语作文:“Innovative value of English composition ”


  In recent years, the creativity of college students is always mentioned because of the fact that it is generally accepted that college students are largely deficient of the creative abilities. It seems that an increasing amount of the students are merely satisfied with comprehending or even copying others' thinkings, ideas or achivements rather than developing something new of their own.

  The main reason that gives rise to the issue refered above, in my view, is that colleges have not fully fulfilled their responsibilities to cultivate general, creative and qualified stuents. All of these colleges' attention are on the basis of the tests, which force the students study more for their grades than for their synchronized qualities. As a result, most students have no enough time and energy to practise their creative abilities.

  Owing to the serious issues we have to confront with, the whole society should take measures to solve it. For example, colleges may pay more attention on the quality education, the corporations can establish wider evaluation system, and so forth.


The life needs innovation

  Because innovation our life is so happy; because innovation our life is so rich and colorful; because innovation our life is so happy; because innovation our life is so wonderful。 The 21st century is a rapid innovation letter era the life needs innovation!

  Can it is no exaggeration to say that if life without innovation so our life could also and primitive humans so dull and boring vulgar。 Now live without innovation just like the bird have no wings; Lack of innovation like blue sky without Clouds foil。 The life needs innovation to bee more excellent the life needs innovation to bee much more beautiful。 We need to life we need to innovate!

  However life not only need to innovation need more

  creative spirit anyone could bee Edison important is

  whether you caught inspiration in sad that as soon as flickers a strange idea as long as you always research continues will be successful。

  The life needs innovation life requires you to innovation。


Fashion usually refers to the trend of outfit and accessories preferred by most.

However, different age groups, cultures, have a range of ideas over the latest fashions. It is a difficult task to determine what is In and what is Out as a phenomena. One can, however, suggest certain familiar trends to be a representation of the latest and most popular amongst asians over the years.

Looking back, a fashion statement in the 60s will the well known Agogo style with there retro outfits and oversized accessories. Today, we only know too well the korean and japanese hotties that every asian seems to attempt at copying.

In conlcusion, fashion is no doubt what everyone aims to achieve but can never define. Afterall, its everchanging and repeats itself every now and then.


My creative work, English composition:I love you, you love me,We are all kittens






  (1)In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.

  n 在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

  (2)Admittedly, this limit has made it possible for the public to realize the importance of environmental protection and enable we Chinese people to cherish the beauty of our communities.


  (3)Although many people claim that, along with the rapid economic development, the number of people who use bicycle is decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I’ve collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.



Tell me where you live.


This is where I live.


Sit where I can see you.


I knew where he was hiding.


Can you guess where I've been?


Daddy, where are you?


Is this where we turn off?



雅思考试(IELTS),全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。


雅思考试是为那些打算在以英语作为交流语言的国家和地区留学或就业的人们设置的英语言水平考试,分为学术类测试(A类,Academic)和培训类测试(G类,General Training)。雅思考试和用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试包含纸笔模式与机考模式,考生可自由选择适合自己的考试模式。


