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问路对话? 英语问路情景对话?






1.Could you tell me the way to...?


Vicky: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Star Hotel?


  Peter: Yes. Go down the main road. You can't miss it.


  Vicky: How long will it take me to get there?


  Peter: It's only about a five-minute walk.


  Vicky: Thank you very much.


  Peter: You're welcome.


2.I think I'm lost here.


Vincent: Good morning, madam. I think I'm lost here. The place I want to go to is a hotel called the Hilton.


  Annie: Do you know in which area?


  Vincent: No, I am sorry I have no idea. I am a stranger here.


  Annie: I see. Well, do you know anything near the hotel?


  Vincent: Oh, yes. My friend told me the hotel was near the Central Railway Station.


  Annie: Then you'll have to take a bus and get off at the Central Railway Station.


  Vincent: Can you show me where the Central Railway Station is on this map?


  Annie: OK.




A: Could you show me the way to the railway station?


B: Yes, of course.当然。

A: Would you like to be my guide?给我领领路好吗?

B: I'd be very pleased.我很乐意。


A: Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the railway station?


B: Just go straight along this street, turn left at the first crossing and walk straight ahead about 100 meters. You can't miss it.

沿着这条街一直往前走,到第一个十字路口向左拐,然后再往前走100米 就是了。你一定能看到。

A: About how long willit take me to get there?


B:It's about 20 minutes' walk, I think.


A:Isee.Is thereabus Ican take?


B: Yes,you can take the No.5 bus over there. Get off at the next stop.

可以,你可以在那儿乘5路车,在下一站下车。 A: Thank you so much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。 B: It' s my pleasure.不客气。



1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [地点]?

2. I'm a bit lost. Can you help me find my way to [地点]?

3. Which way is it to [地点]?

4. Do you know where [地点] is?

5. Could you give me directions to [地点]?

6. Is there a bus/train station near here?

7. How far is it to [地点]?

8. Can you recommend the quickest route to [地点]?

9. Is there a shortcut to [地点]?

10. Sorry, I'm not familiar with this area. Can you point me in the right direction?




A:What would you like for Breakfast? 早餐你想吃什么?

B:How about noodles? 吃面怎么样?

A:OK,Would you help me set the table?好的,你能帮我准备餐具吗?

B:I'd be happy to. 乐意之至。


A:Did you enjoy the meal?您吃得怎么样?

B:It's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time. It's such a rich dinner.好久没有吃过这样美味的饭莱了。这顿饭莱太丰盛了。

A:I'm so glad you like it.你能喜欢,我不胜荣幸。

B:Thank you very much for your hospitality.谢谢你的盛情款待。


A: Excuse me, could you please help me find the way to the nearest subway station?B: Sure, what's the name of the station you're looking for?A: I'm looking for the nearest subway station to the Smithsonian Museum.B: Ah, the Smithsonian Station is quite close by. You just need to walk down this street and take the first left turn.A: Thank you very much. Do I need to buy a ticket before I get on the subway?B: Yes, you need to buy a ticket from the machine or from the booth outside the station.A: How much does it cost?B: It depends on the distance you're traveling. You can check the fare schedule on the machine or ask the conductor when you get on the train.A: OK, I will do that. Is there a restroom in the subway station?B: Yes, there is a restroom in the station. You can find it on the left side when you enter the station.A: Thank you very much for your help.B: You're welcome. Have a nice day!


Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakerybuilding?

M: The Cross Bakery building? Oh sure. You're actually walking in the opposite direction.

L: Oh,you're kidding! I thought I was heading east.

M: No, east is the other direction. To get to the Bakery, you need to turn around and go three blocks to Broadway. When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm, you hang a left. Go straight down that street for half a block and then you'll see the building on your left.

L: Okay, let me see if I've got that. I need to go down Elm until I hit Broadway, then I make a left and the building is on my left handside. Is that right?

M: Yeah, you've got it. Do you want me to show you the way?

L: Thanks for the offer, but I think I've got it. Hopefully, Iwon't get lost again on my way there!

A:Pam,where's the closest ATM?

P: It's not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?

A: The big one or the small one?

P: The big one.


hi,I wanna go to the New York Museum,tell me how can get there?

excuse me,you forgot saying please? I wouldn't help you,maybe  you are polite someday,someone will help you.




A: What do you do for a living?

B: I'm a software engineer. How about you?

A: I work in marketing at a tech company.


A: Have you been on any trips recently?

B: Yes, I just got back from a trip to Japan. It was amazing.

A: That sounds great! What was your favorite part of the trip?

B: I loved trying all the delicious food and exploring the temples.


A: What do you like to do in your free time?

B: I enjoy hiking and playing guitar.

A: That's cool. Have you been on any good hikes lately?

B: Yeah, I went on a beautiful hike in the mountains last weekend.


A: Do you have any siblings?

B: Yes, I have a younger brother and an older sister. How about you?

A: I'm an only child.


A: What did you study in college?

B: I majored in English literature. And you?

A: I studied psychology.


A: What kind of music do you like?

B: I listen to a lot of indie rock and folk music. How about you?

A: I'm a big fan of hip-hop and R&B.


A: Do you follow sports at all?

B: Yeah, I'm a big basketball fan. Who's your favorite team?

A: I don't really follow sports, but my husband is a big fan of the Lakers.


A: Have you seen any good movies lately?

B: Yeah, I just saw the new Marvel movie and it was really good. Have you seen it?

A: No, I haven't had a chance to see it yet.


1、你好 hello

2、没问题 no problem

3、就这样吧 that‘s all

4、别担心 don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张 take it easy

8、别客气 help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了 it is going too far