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The little snail asks mother: why do we from birth, must shoulder the hard and heavy shell?

Mom: because our body does not have skeleton's support, can only crawl, also crawls not quickly. Therefore wants this shell protection!

The little snail: caterpillars sister no bones, also climb is unpleasant, why she but need not carry on the back the hard and heavy shell?

Mom: because caterpillar sister can become a butterfly, the sky can protect her anyway.

The little snail: but the earthworm younger brother didn't also bones crawls not quickly, also won't become a butterfly he what don't carry this hard and heavy shell?

Mom: because the earthworm younger brother will drill the earth, the earth will protect him!

The little snail crying: we pity, the sky, the earth do not protect nor protection.

Aunt snail comforts him: so we have the shell! We don't geogrophical, also depend on the place, we rely on yourself.






妈妈:因为蚯蚓弟弟会钻土, 大地会保护他啊。




be going to 打算

get up 起床

wash face 洗脸

brush teeth 刷牙

raise your arms 伸胳膊

trun left 向左转

turn right 向右转

sing songs 唱歌

do art jprojects 上艺术课

play the durm 敲鼓

line up* 整队

at ease* 稍息

attention* 立正

count off* 报数

climb the hill 爬山

make a snowman 堆雪人

plant trees 种树

go to school 去上学

go home 回家

feed the fish 喂鱼

wash clothes 洗衣服

water the flowers 浇花

cook the chicken 烹饪鸡

clean the kitchen 打扫厨房

talk on the phone 打电话

watch TV 看电视

listen to music 听音乐

walk the dog 遛狗


我告诉你个小窍门试试,对初学者有用。比如我是I 你是 you见面点头说 hello 先让孩子会读了;

有的英语和汉语拼音完全相同,比如you(汉语英语都读 优)、OK(英语26字母里就是读OK)、man、woman、student(等比如student按汉语拼音读 s t u den t 这就是英语student的读音)。像这类按汉语拼音读英语的英语单词几乎占到了小学英语的三分之一,会读就会写容易吧!

有的英语单词可以编成故事。比如“眼睛”可爱,英语读 “爱丝” ;“牙齿”像兔子一样突出来。英语读“ 兔丝”;“嘴”冬季冒热气英语读 “冒丝”;“耳朵”可以想一只耳朵,英语读 “一耳 ”;“胳膊”可以想象抒发感情时说 啊!母亲。英语读 “啊母”

只要你稍有点英语基础,教孩子英语还是方法很多的 。





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