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I have gone to bejing on this summer vacation ,First ,I went there by train with my parents .It spent us 3 days to get there ,then we stayed in a hotel ,we had meals .Afer soon ,we visited the Forbidden City ,It was very large ,we wanted to take photos ,But we can"t ,Next ,we went to eat the traditional food -----Beijing roast duck .It tasted delicious .we also climbed the Great Wall,we spent 5hours reaching the top ,we took lots of photos ,At the same time ,we saw some foreiners ,we talked with them in English ,It was so interesting ,we had a good time in Beijing .I hope I can travel agin one day !



二、初一英语作文our community带翻译?

初一英语作文our community:

原文:I live in a wonderful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community.

I love living in this community. Welcome to our community.

译文:我生活在一一个美好的和安静的社区。我家是一套公寓, 我的家人住在三楼。我家有3个卧室,一个大客厅,一个厨房,一个餐厅。有很多人住在我的社区。我们的社区非常干净整洁。我的邻居非常友好和乐于助人。有许多美丽的花和树在我们的社区。我喜欢住在这个社区。欢迎来到我们的社区。


New term is coming. I am going to concentrate on my study and spend more time learning English because I am weak in it. I will try as hard as possible to improve my spoken English because my oral English is really bad。

I will ask my teacher and friends for help when I have problem.I will do sports every day because its good to keep healthy. I will help others when they are in trouble and help my parents with more housework.新学期就要来了。







People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.


如今,人们开始越来越重视自己的健康。他们开始意识到,健康是一个人能够拥有的最宝贵的财产。然而,许多人不知道如何保持健康,虽然在这方面已经作出了很大的努力。在我看来,如果我们想做好事,我们可以做三件事。 首先,我们应该有正确的食物,因为适当的营养是身体健康最重要的。 避免食用含有大量糖和脂肪的食物。多吃高蛋白食物、蔬菜和水果。不要吃得过多。其次,我们应该获得适当的睡眠量,因为没有足够的睡眠,我们会经常感到疲倦和烦躁。每天至少睡八个小时。如果时间允许,中午小睡一会儿。最后,我们应该经常锻炼,因为"生活取决于运动"。经常锻炼会增强我们的心声。此外,它防止我们增加体重。 如果每个人都这样做,那么抱怨身体不好就更少了,我们的生活里幸福就会更多。


Myhouse Look!Thisismyhouse.It'sverybeautiful!Look!Thereisasofainthelivingroom.Thesofaisredandwhite.Ilikered.Andit'smyfavouritecolour.AndthereisabigTV.OntheTV,thereisaphoto.It'sourfamilyphoto.Look!Thisboy/girlisme.Inhouse,thereisakitchen,twobedrooms,aWCandlotsofthings. Doyoulikemyhouse? 我的房子 看!这是我的房子.它很漂亮!看!有一个沙发在起居室.这沙发是红色和白色的.我喜欢红色.而且它是我最喜欢的颜色.和有一个大电视.打开电视,有一张照片.这是我们的全家福照片.看!这个男孩/女孩是我.在房子里,有一个厨房,两间卧室,一个WC和许多其他事情.


my teacherMy favourite teacher is my English(可以改,科目) teacher Ms.(英文名或中文名拼音).She(he) is nice and humorous.She is tall and thin(可以改) and she is about (老师大概年龄,写年轻一点) .Her class is good because she let everyone join it and enjoy it.We all like her very much.我最喜欢的()老师是()女士,她是一位很好,很幽默的老师,她又高又瘦,大概()岁.她的课很好,她让我们都加入进来,并让我们喜欢.我们都很喜欢她.




Our kitchen is very small.But I can do all kinds

of food in the kitchen.On weekend, I often learn cooking form my

mum in the kitchen. There is a gas stove ,two pans and a frigerator.There are many beautiful bowls and dishes .Our kitchen is very clean.We love it very much.


There are many after-school activities in my school. You can jump the rope, play with balls and play other games. Also, you can learn to draw pictures, try to write well or play on computers. We can learn a lot from these activities.


MySummerVacationIn my vacation,I went to my aunt's house.I miss her really much and I was so excited to see her.I had a lot of fun with my aunt,she taught me how to cook.It was kind hot where my aunt lives,so I stayed at her house for the most of the time.I had so much fun,can't wait to visit her again!在我的假期里,我去了我姑姑家.我非常想念她而且我很兴奋可以见到她.和姑姑在一起很开心,她教我怎么煮东西.我姑姑住的地方有点热,所以我大部分时间都在她房子里.我很快乐,等不及下次的见面!