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1. 我对英语的感想英语作文学了英语,对英语有何感想,. In my opinion,learning English is like a bridge to munication.When we are in the other country,we cannot only speak our mother language.So,English which is the language used to spoken all over the world,can help us a lot.I love learning English ,because it also can be use to talk to my clas *** ate when mom is with me but I do not want her listen to me.I love learning English becuse in the English world ,there are always various knowledge,happiness,culture,history and,so on.I love English ,which is the idea for me ablout English.。

2. 英语写作心得体会 200字中文 英文写作是生在英语考试中最薄弱的一环。同学花了的和精力,却很难在项上。比方说,每天用小时来练习,一段以后,的速度和度都的;然而,每天用小时来写作,每次写的作文质量不太大的差异。可以说,在写作上的练习是一项投入产出低的工作。事实上,写作姿含猜也有的技巧,技巧不所,原因在于:写作的技巧程度上从考试题目本身来得出,需要对英文文章的学习和总结得来,即功夫在题外。笔者在英语写作几点心得。


对大多数学习英语的同学,英语的词汇量、句式的积累还极其有限,远用英文流畅老镇,挥洒自如的境地。在创作是不合时宜的,非要,写出“long time no see”的文字来。,模仿是的必经途径。




最后,模仿要体动笔上。比如说,新概念册有句式说:“…for the simple reasonthat…”表示某种的原因是,用在英语考试中,就可以拿来解释为自行车在的流行,为:“The bicycleis very popular in China for the simple reasonthat…”。然而,同学经常背了句式不用,一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”,等等。



翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“What is it madeof?”本来是非常简单的,结果翻译太紧张,“egg”词迹型,他急中生智,回答:“It is made of MissHen's son.”这里,灵活变通的范例。绕道,是写作中应该常常运用的方法。



比如说,在正式文体的写作中,用 “it isn”t”的略缩形式,而是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期不缩写,阿拉伯数字英文(长的数字除外)。


最后,同学在写作文时,习惯于把 “since” “because”“for”的词句首原因状语从句。事实上,在见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,的从句主句的。, “and”也常常被误话的,表示句子的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能,是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;是递进关系,用 “furthermore” “what is more”更为。




3. 帮我写一篇用英语写的学习英语的感受,300字左右,适合大学生的, english is one of the most useful language in the world, it's an important tool for your daily life, and an important way to your success.so how can we learn it well?this is the question all the english learners ask about.in my opinion, the best and only way to learn english well, is to use it, and love it.use it in daily life to municate with people, your english improves as you talk, languages are for us to speak, so there is no better way to learn it well than to speak with it everyday. and the more you use it, the more you like it, when learning english bee one of your interest, then you'll feel ease when practising it。

4. 急英语作文(总结) We should learn to read English, and more practice. Improve hearing morein mind some words. The teacher can ask students to understand. School time can also ask the teacher. Englishlanguage, that is hard.

That simple nor easy. Focuses onunderstanding. Morning Reading we can read out aloud, improve speaking. Domore exercise, improve written. Listen to tapes, to improve hearing. That's it!

5. 写一篇读完这篇文章的心得,用英语,100词左右(速度点,没时间了 We benefit as much as those we help/One good deed deserves anotherThe story tells us that we benefit from generosity.You help people and they may help you in near future.What goes around es around,which means one good deed deserves another good deed.If there're more people who are dedicated to help others,what a better world this would be.希望能帮到楼主!:)。

6. 用英文写的读书心得 Reading Report Of the story of my life This book published when Keller was only enty-o–portrays the wild child who is locked in the dark and silent prison of her own body. With an extraordinary immediacy, Keller reveals her frustrations and rage, and takes the reader on the unfettable journey of her education and breakthroughs into the world of munication. From the moment Keller recognizes the word “water” when her teacher finger-spells the letters, we share her triumph as “that living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!” An unparalleled chronicle of courage, The Story of My Life remains startlingly fresh and vital more than a century after its first publication, a timeless testament to an indomitable will. Helen Keller would not be bound by conditions. Rendered deaf and blind at 19 months by scarlet fever, she learned to read (in several languages) and even speak, eventually graduating with honors from Radcliffe College in 1904, where as a student she wrote The Story of My Life. That she acplished all of this in an age when few women attended college and the disabled were often relegated to the background, spoken of only in hushed tones, is remarkable. But Keller's many other achievements are impressive by any standard: she authored 13 books, wrote countless articles, and devoted her life to social reform. An active and effective suffragist, pacifist, and socialist (the latter association earned her an FBI file), she lectured on behalf of disabled people everywhere. She also helped start several foundations that continue to improve the lives of the deaf and blind around the world.As a young girl Keller was obstinate, prone to fits of violence, and seething with rage at her inability to express herself. But at the age of 7 this wild child was transformed when, at the urging of Alexander Graham Bell, Anne Sullivan became her teacher, an event she declares the most important day I remember in all my life. (Sullivan herself had once been blind, but partially recovered her sight after a series of operations.) In a memorable passage, Keller writes of the day Teacher led her to a stream and repeatedly spelled out the letters w-a-t-e-r on one of her hands while pouring water over the other. This method proved a revelation: That living world awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free! There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away. And, indeed, most of them were. In her lovingly crafted and deeply perceptive autobiography, Keller's joyous spirit is most vividly expressed in her connection to nature:Indeed, everything that could hum, or buzz, or sing, or bloom, had a part in my education。

. Few know what joy it is to feel the roses pressing softly into the hand, or the beautiful motion of the lilies as they sway in the morning breeze. Sometimes I caught an insect in the flower I was plucking, and I felt the faint noise of a pair of wings rubbed together in a sudden terror。. The idea of feeling rather than hearing a sound, or of admiring a flower's motion rather than its color, evokes a strong visceral sensation in the reader, giving The Story of My Life a subtle power and beauty. Keller's celebration of discovery bees our own. In the end, this blind and deaf woman succeeds in sharpening our eyes and ears to the beauty of the world.这是一篇关于 海伦凯勒《我的故事》的读书心得,是中学生必读书之一。

7. 求英语作文《学习英语的感受》 Learning English is an very painful experience for me.At the very beginning,it is very harsd for me to express myself in English.Whenever I tried my best to speak English in class, i would be laughed by my clas *** ates. After that I had no cofidence to speak English any more.I suffered a lot in the class because I did not want to lose face in front of my friends.Gradually, I found it had nothing to do with my English study.I had made a fool of myself.I realized that the best way to prove myself is to study harder and caught up with others.So I seized every chance to speak English in class as well as in free talk.What's more,I did morning reading every day.I continued working till now.To my great joy, I can speak beautiful English now.The experience is painful but also helpful.。

8. 写一篇论述短文,描述你本人学习英语的体会.可以包括以下内容:1 English is the official language around the world and learning it will connect us to the whole world making easier to unicate with people from different countries。

Learning it can increase our knowledge about the English countries and share information about us, our country, easily with everybody。 and inter is a good way for learning English because the sourses are unlimited. To learn it is needed a daily interaction with it, things such as songs, movies, books can also help who is studying it.The best thing English gave to me were friends and increased what I knew about the world, but in the beginning i understood nothing because it was so different from Chinese, there was a time i was about to give up about learning English. But it is amazing这是用了我的方式而写的, 我希望我帮了一点忙 呵。

9. 【求一篇英语作文.(上高中两个月的感受)100字】 我的高中生活 我在今年成为以一名高中生,我很喜欢高中,因为我可以学到更多的知识,交更多的朋友.但是,上高中以来,却给了我一系列的打击,让我很难过.我很努力的学习,但是第一次考试的成绩却让我很失望,这是从未有过的成绩,而且,在与同学交往方面也不顺利,竞争的班干部也没能选上,我感觉从未有过的痛苦,不那么积极了.我的兄弟们,很着急,他们告诉我要坚强,不能对不起爱你的人和你所爱的人.在最后,我终于决定要振作,我相信我会做到,我不会放弃!我相信我的高中生活会更美好!My high school lifeI this year be in with a high school student, I like school, because I can learn more knowledge and make more friends. However, since in high school, but gave me a series of strikes, let me very sad.I study hard, but the first exam achievement makes me very disappointed, but it is never had the grades, and with clas *** ates, also not *** ooth, the class cadre petition has not been able to choose, I feel the pain, had not so active.My brothers, very anxious, they told me to be strong, can't sorry love you and your loved ones. In the end, I finally decided to pull, I believe I can do, I won't give up! I believe my high school life more beautiful!。

10. 学习英语的体会的英语作文 It is three more than years since I began to learn English.At first, I felt it hard to learn English. I could not pronounce well nor could I spell words. I couldn't understand grammar rules. Later , with the help of my teachers and clas *** ates.

We must study hard if we want to get the best study result in a short time. We should do more listening ,speaking ,reading and writing in and out of class.

In my opinion, we should depend on ourselves And listen to our teachers calrefully.

That's all.


