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v开头英语短语有哪些 v开头英语短语有哪些单词




take an exam 参加考试

pass/fail an exam 考试合格 / 不合格

an exam paper 试卷


1.jet lag时差反应

  2、join hands with互相合作/携起手来

  3、join in参加(活动)

  4、join up参军/入伍/联合起来 j

  5、udging by从…判断

  6、jump at急忙接受/立即抓住

  7、jump off开始/开始进攻

  8、just about差不多/几乎

  9、just as正象/正当…的时候

  10、just now现在/眼下/刚才

  11、just the same完全一样


self service 开架销售 ; 自助餐 ; 自助 ; 自我服务的 Self Disguise 伪装自己 self repair 自修复 ; 自动恢复 ; 自修 ; 自行检修 Self Control 自制力 ; 自制 ; 无法自拔 ; 自身对照 self pollination 自花传粉 ; 自花受精 ; 自花授粉 ; 近亲传粉


1 like to do sth 喜欢做某事2 love to do sth 喜爱做某事3 prefer。。。。to,,,,‘和 。。。。相比更喜欢。。。’4 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事


1.lucky dog.并不是狗狗的意思。而是翻译做幸运儿。You are a lucky dog.你是个幸运的人

2.lucky draw.幸运抽奖。draw有抽奖的意思。

3lucky star.福星

4lucky day.幸运日;黄道吉日。

5.lucky charm.幸运符,护身符

6.lucky money.压岁钱Children are given lucky money.孩子们会得到压岁钱。


1. aches and pains 痛苦

2. again and again 一再

3. all and all 全能的;最重要的

4. all and singular 全体;一律

5. all in all 总的说来;头等重要的

6. ancient and modern 古今

7. arm in arm 臂挽臂

8. arts and science 文理

9. as and when 当……时候

10. back and forth 来回地

11. back to back 背靠背

12. backward(s) and foreward(s) 来来回回

13. bed and board 膳宿;夫妇关系

14. bed and breakfast 食宿

15. bit by bit 一点点地

16. black and blue 遍体鳞伤

17. black and white 白纸黑字;黑白影片

18. by and large 大体上

19. carrot and stick 软硬兼施

20. case by case 一例一例地

21. cheek to cheek 脸贴脸

22. come and go 来来往往

23. day and night 日日夜夜

24. days and nights 日日夜夜

25. defeat on defeat 接连失败

26. do or die 不是成功便是失败死亡

27. drop by drop 一滴一滴地

28. early and late 从早到晚

29. early or late (=sooner or later) 迟早

30. end for end 两端的位置颠倒过来

31. end to end 头尾相接

32. eye for eye 以眼还眼

33. eye to eye 彼此看法一致

34. face to face 面对面

35. fair and square 正大光明

36. far and away 肯定;无疑

37. far and near 到处;处处

38. far and wide 到处

39. fire and water 水火

40. first and last 总的说来;始终

41. five and ten 便宜的

42. flesh and blood 骨肉

43. forever and ever 永远;永久

44. forgive and forget 既往不咎;不念旧恋

45. free and easy 不拘形式;随便

46. front to front 面对面

47. fun and games 欢乐;娱乐与游戏

48. gentle and simple 各个阶层;贵贱

49. give and take 平等交换;互让;交换意见

50. give or take 准许有误差

51. good or ill 好歹

52. great and small 大小;各阶层人民

53. group by group 分批地

54. hand and foot 手脚并用;尽力

55. hand in hand 手拉手;联合

56. hand in glove 密切合作

57. hand over fist 不费气力;迅速

58. hand over hand 节节往上地;稳而快地

59. hand to hand 逼近地

60. hand to fist 齐心协力

61. hard and fast 不容变通的;严格的

62. head and ears 完完全全;全身

63. head and front 主要部分

64. head and shoulder 头与肩

65. head over heals 颠倒;完全地

66. head to head 交头接耳

67. heart and hand 热心地

68. heart and soul 全心全意地

69. heart to heart 贴心地;诚恳地

70. heat and cold 冷热

71. high and low 到处;高低贵贱

72. high and mighty 神气活现;趾高气扬

73. home and abroad 国内外

74. hope against hope 抱一线希望

75. hot and hot 一出锅就端上来

76. hot and strong 猛烈地;激烈地

77. hour after hour 连续地;一小时又一小时地

78. house and home 家;家庭的乐趣

79. hundred and hundred 长寿

80. husband and wife 夫妻

82. import and export 进出口;导入与导出;输入与输出

83. in and out 进进出出

84. inch by inch 一点一点地;逐渐地

85. item by item 逐项地;逐条地

86. knee to knee 促膝地

87. knife and pork 刀叉

88. land and sea 陆地与海洋

89. leg and leg 平分秋色

90. like for like 以牙还牙

91. life for life 以命抵命

92. light and shade 光阴

93. light and shadow 光与影

94. line upon line 一排排地;稳步向前地

95. little by little 一点一点地;逐渐地

96. loss on loss 一个接一个失败

97. lots and lots 许许多多

98. make or break 可以成功或失败

99. man by(to) man 人盯人地

100. man for man 一人对一人


We're going on a picnic tomorrow...


Afterwards, we picnicked on the riverbank.


In the children's minds summer is associated with picnics.


We also enjoy hiking and having picnics.


Who had picnics by the seaside yesterday?


We can have picnics.



专心于的英文:be absorbed in;keep one's mind on;devote oneself to

absorbed 读法 英 [əb'sɔːbd] 美 [əbˈsɔbd]

1、adj. 被吸收的;一心一意的

2、v. 吸收;使全神贯注(absorb的过去分词形式)


1、be absorbed by 被…吸收;为…吸收;被…吞并

2、absorbed water 吸附水;吸收水

3、absorbed dose 吸收剂量,吸收量

4、absorbed energy 被吸收的能量

5、absorbed radiation 吸收辐射;被吸收的辐射



absorb 读法 英 [əb'zɔːb; -'sɔːb] 美 [æbˈsɔrb; æbˈzɔrb; əbˈsɔrb]

vt. 吸收;吸引;承受;理解;使…全神贯注


1、absorb gas 吸气

2、absorb heat 吸热

3、absorb knowledge 掌握知识

4、absorb light 吸收光

5、absorb loss 承担亏损


incorporate, absorb, suck, digest这组词都有“吸收”的意思,其区别是:

1、incorporate 指一物或多物与它物相融合,形成一整体。

2、absorb 普通用词,词义广泛,既可指吸收光、热、液体等具体东西,又可指吸收知识等抽象概念的东西。

3、suck 作“吸收”解时,可与absorb换用,但还可有“吮吸”之意。

4、digest 侧重在消化道内改变食物的化学结构后被人体吸收。




go through经历;完成;检查;go to excess走极端;go to great lengths竭尽全力;go to sleep入睡,睡着;go to the expense of为…的目的花钱;go to war开始作战;go together相配;恋爱;go under沉没;失败,破产



1. turn about 转身,向后转   The colonel ordered the troops to turn about. 上校命令部队向后转。   

2. turn against 转而反对,与……反目   They tried to turn the students against their teachers. 他们设法让学生起来反对老师。   

3. turn (a)round (1)转身,调头 (2)转向另一面,使好转   I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round. 我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。   Turn your chair round to the fire. 把你的椅子转向炉火一边。   

4. turn away (1)转过身去(2)拒绝进入   She turned away and began to cry. 她把脸转过去哭了起来。   Reporters who visited the training ground were turned away. 前来训练基地采访的记者们被拒之门外。   

5. turn back 返回,拔回   We have got to turn back. 我们得往回走了。   

6. turn down (1)关小(音量等)(2)拒绝   That radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little? 收音机声音太响,你能开小点吗?   The company turned down his proposal. 公司拒绝了他的建议。   

7. turn in (1)交上去(2)(向警方)告发(3)上床睡觉   He turned in two essays every week. 他每星期交两篇论文。   He threatened to turn her in. 他威胁说要向警方告发她。   We turn in at nine and get up at six. 我们9点钟上床睡觉,6点钟起床。   

8. turn into (1)(使)成为(2)翻译   The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel. 整件事酿成了激烈的争吵。   Can you turn the letter into French? 你能将此信译成法语吗?   

9. turn off (1)关掉(电器、水龙头等)(2)使厌烦   I laid my book aside, turned off the light and went to sleep. 我把书放在一边,关了灯睡觉。   This sort of talk could turn a lot of voters off. 这样的讲话会使许多投票者感到厌烦。   

10. turn on (1)打开(电器、煤气等)(2)(突然)攻击   Could you turn on the bath for me while you’re upstairs? 你在楼上替我打开浴缸的水龙头行吗?   The dog suddenly turned on me. 那狗突然向我扑过来。   

11. turn out (1)结果是,证明是(2)到场,出席(3)出来(4)制造,培养 (5)关(灯等)   The examination turned out quite easy. 结果考试相当容易。   A vast crowd turned out to watch the match. 大群的观众到场观看比赛。   The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team. 全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋的球队。   This factory turns out bicycles. 这家工厂生产自行车。   Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. 临睡前别忘了关灯。   

12. turn out (of) 把……撵出去   She got pregnant and was turned out of the house by her parents. 她怀孕了,父母把她赶出了家门。   

13. turn over (1)翻身,翻转(2)把……移交(3)换频道(4)营业额达   A big wave turn over the fishing boat. 巨浪打翻了渔船。   He turned over the business to his son. 他把生意交给了他的儿子。   Let’s turn over—this is really boring. 换台吧,这个频道太无聊了。   The company turns over 150 million a year. 该公司每年的营业额达1.5亿英镑。   

14. turn to (1)翻到(2)转向(3)变成(4)求助于,求教于   Please turn to page 105. 请翻到105页。   So for years men have turned to the sea to earn their living. 因此多年以来人们转向海洋谋生。   The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice. 人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。   Whenever she was in trouble she turned to him for help. 遇到困难时,她就找他帮忙。   

15. turn up (1)出现,到场,出席(2)调大(音量等)   He turned up late. 他迟到了。   I can’t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit? 收音机我听不太清楚,你把声音开大点行吗?