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Mom, Daughter, Son


It's the night before Mother's Day. The children are in their room, wrapping presents for their mom.

Daughter: I can't wait for Mom to see her present tomorrow!

Son: Yeah, me too. I hope she likes it.

Daughter: Of course she will. Mom loves anything we give her.

Son: Hey, do you think we should make her breakfast in bed tomorrow?

Daughter: That's a great idea! Let's make her pancakes and bacon.

Son: And we can make her a card too.

Daughter: I already made one. (Shows card to Son)

Son: Wow, that's really nice. I'll make one too.

Mom (offstage): Kids, it's time for bed!

Daughter: Okay, Mom! Goodnight!

Son: Goodnight!

(They turn off the lights and go to sleep)

The next morning, the children wake up early to surprise their mom.

Daughter: (whispering) Shh, let's go make breakfast.

Son: (whispering) Okay.

(They go to the kitchen and start cooking)

Mom (offstage): (yawning) Good morning, kids.

Daughter: (whispering) Surprise! Happy Mother's Day!

Mom: (surprised) Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, kids. This is the best Mother's Day ever.

Son: (proudly) We made you breakfast in bed and cards too.

Mom: (tearfully) You two are the best kids a mom could ask for. Thank you so much.

(They all hug)

This is just one example of a Mother's Day English skit using the future tense. You can modify it to fit your needs and add more details to make it longer or more interesting.