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企业家的英语作文 关于企业家的英语作文



I most admire the entrepreneur is Ma Yun, because in a few short years, he created Alibaba, took the richest man in China.




hang Ruimin and his colleagues have successfully turned a small collectively-owned factory into a globally recognized multinational company.Now they are striving to meet the needs of users worldwide by product innovation,business model innovation and mechanism innovation and contribute to China a truly excellent corporate identity in the global market.They are going to keep enriching this identity,and contributing to the prosperity of the national industry of China persistently


How to Be a Successful Success comes with hard work.In order to succeed you must have the desire and the determination to succeed.Not many people will be successful in life but success can be achieved.Here are some tips to succeed.

First you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Work Hard and be very discipline.Success do not come overnight,you must work hard for it and be discipline.

Balance your life.

It is important that we remember that even as we work hard we should take some time to have fun.

Take time to educate yourself and become qualified.Never assume that you learn as much and that your job is safe.




hang Ruimin and his colleagues have successfully turned a small collectively-owned factory into a globally recognized multinational company.Now they are striving to meet the needs of users worldwide by product innovation,business model innovation and mechanism innovation and contribute to China a truly excellent corporate identity in the global market.They are going to keep enriching this identity,and contributing to the prosperity of the national industry of China persistently


When I grow up, I want to be an Urban Farms company CEO

When I grow uo, I will establish a Farms

company, and I will be an urban farm CEO.

In future, my farm will committed to feeding people in cities in a way that is positive for

communities and the environment, today and in the future. We'll produce

sustainable fresh fish, salads and herbs in cities using a combination

of aquaponic and vertical growing technologies.

We'll lower the environmental impact

of agriculture by building and operating farms that take unused urban

space and use it to grow produce. Through the use of aquaponic

technology and protected cropping, we can produce a year-round harvest

of fresh, leafy vegetables and fish.

We’ll changing the way food is

grown and distributed in cities and we’ll reconnecting people with the

story of food from farm to fork.

I will study hardly and do my best to become an Urban farms CEO


I most admire the entrepreneur is Ma Yun, because in a few short years, he created Alibaba, took the richest man in China


Should graduate students start their own business or look for jobs? In my opinion, becoming a member of the workforce is far less desirable than owning a business. Undeniably, enterpreneurship involves risks and entails hard work and determination.

However, it generates greater satisfaction and a sense of acheivement. No glory without risk-taking is conceivable. Only when one is willing to take risks can one accomplish great things.

Even if the business does not work out at the end, one can learn a great lesson from their mistakes. As such, the experience of setting up an enterprise is far superior to the secured but insipid life of a white collar employee.


When I grow up, I want to be an Urban Farms company CEO

When I grow uo, I will establish a Farms

company, and I will be an urban farm CEO.

In future, my farm will committed to feeding people in cities in a way that is positive for

communities and the environment, today and in the future. We'll produce

sustainable fresh fish, salads and herbs in cities using a combination

of aquaponic and vertical growing technologies.

We'll lower the environmental impact

of agriculture by building and operating farms that take unused urban

space and use it to grow produce. Through the use of aquaponic

technology and protected cropping, we can produce a year-round harvest

of fresh, leafy vegetables and fish.

We’ll changing the way food is

grown and distributed in cities and we’ll reconnecting people with the

story of food from farm to fork.

I will study hardly and do my best to become an Urban farms CEO