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商务英语心得体会1000字英文 商务英语心得体会1000字英文翻译



根据中文词意,对应英文:Business English



Business English







title 头衔,职位名称例句:Give your name and title.报出你的姓名和称谓。

The present duke inherited the title from his father.现在的公爵承袭的是他父亲的爵位。

The official title of the job is ‘Administrative Assistant ’.这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。



The following is a step-by-step description of a typical Letter of Credit transaction:

1. An Importer (Buyer) and Exporter (Seller) agree on a purchase and sale of goods where payment is made by Letter of Credit.

2. The Importer completes an application requesting its bank (Issuing Bank) to issue a Letter of Credit in favour of the Exporter. Note that the Importer must have a line of credit with the Issuing Bank in order to request that a Letter of Credit be issued.

3. The Issuing Bank issues the Letter of Credit and sends it to the Advising Bank by telecommunication or registered mail in accordance with the Importer’s instructions. A request may be included for the Advising Bank to add its confirmation The Advising Bank is typically located in the country where the Exporter carries on business and may be the Exporter’s bank but it does not have be.

4. The Advising Bank will verify the Letter of Credit for authenticity and send a copy to the Exporter.

5. The Exporter examines the Letter of Credit to ensure: a) it corresponds to the terms and conditions in the purchase and sale agreement; b) documents stipulated in the Letter of Credit can be produced; and c) the terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit may be fulfilled.

6. If the Exporter is unable to comply with any term or condition of the Letter of Credit or if the Letter of Credit differs from the purchase and sale agreement, the Exporter should immediately notify the Importer and request an amendment to the Letter of Credit.

7. When all parties agree to the amendments, they are incorporated into the terms of the Letter of Credit and advised to the Exporter through the Advising Bank. It is recommended that the Exporter does not make any shipments against the Letter of Credit until the required amendments have been received. 8. The Exporter arranges for shipment of the goods, prepares and/or obtains the documents specified in the Letter of Credit and makes demand under the Letter of Credit by presenting the documents within the stated period and before the expiry date to the “available with” Bank. This may be the Advising/Confirming Bank. That bank checks the documents against the Letter of Credit and forwards them to the Issuing Bank. The drawing is negotiated, paid or accepted as the case may be.

9. The Issuing Bank examines the documents to ensure they comply with the Letter of Credit terms and conditions. The Issuing Bank obtains payment from the Importer for payment already made to the “available with” or the Confirming Bank.

10. Documents are delivered to the Importer to allow them to take possession of the goods from the transport company. The trade cycle is complete as the Importer has received its goods and the Exporter has obtained payment. Note: In the diagram below, the Advising Bank is also acting as the Confirming Bank.


1. In a minute. 等一会。

2. Oops, I forgot. 啊!我忘记了。

3. No! 不行!

4. You don't know that? 你不知道么?

5. You're late. 你迟到了。

6. Ooh, ugly tie! 哦,难看的领带!

7. I hit your car. 我把你的车撞了!

8. Who's the guy I saw your wife with at the bar last night?


9. How much do you make a year? 你一年挣多少钱啊?

10. Can I have another raise? 能不能再给我涨一次工资?





外贸英语(Foreign trade English),外贸为商务英语范畴,确切的说是针对外贸行业的英语。主要包括外贸英语口语、外贸英语函电、外贸单证英语等,学习外贸英语主要目的是为了更好地应对国际贸易。



A:Excuse me, but aren't you Mr. Jackson from Australia?


B:Yes. Are you Mr. Robin?


A:Yes. Here’s my business card. We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.


B:Thank you. I’m also delighted to meet you.



A:What's your best price for that item?


B:The unit price is $12.50.


A:I think the price is a little high. Can't you reduce it?


B:I'm afraid we can't. $12.50 is our rock bottom price. If you purchase more than 10,000 units we can reduce it to $12.00.
