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高一英语面试试讲 高一英语面试试讲15分钟





2.Warm up.热身活动,唱歌曲,说童谣,讲故事,说谜语。


4.Practice. 操练,消化,练习。(分为机械性操练和趣味性操练,即先读写后游戏)

5.Production. 产出,拓展,展示,小组合作,应用和运用新知。

6.Summary and homework.总结,课堂作业

Let’s learn


Good morning, everyone/teachers/my dear judges/ladies and gentlemen. My number is…/I’m NO….It’s my great honor to be/stand here to share my lesson .I have a dream all the time, that’s to be an excellent English teacher. The first step to make my dream come true is to get through the interview. So I’ll try my best to give a lesson. Today I’ m going to teach Unit 2. My favourite season. Now let's begin our class.

2. Warm up. (可不跟教学内容相关)

①首选歌唱儿歌。Eg . How is the weather; India boy; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; Do Re Mi; How do you do; Walking Walking.

②针对不会唱歌或者唱歌跑掉的同学,可以选择说童谣。Eg . Fish ,fish ,what do you see?或者讲故事eg. The crow and the pitcher .

Hello, boys and girls, welcome to my English class, I’m glad to see you again. Do you have a sweet dream last night? now I hope you’re happy and show me a smile face. Boys and girls, do you remember the pretty song we’ve learnt in our last lesson? OK, let’s sing the song together. Stand up, please.(How is the weather)Well done, sit down, please.


How is the weather? It’s Sunny, I feel so hot, because it’s in summer now. Today we’ll learn some new words about season. Boys and girls, look at the picture(左手面向评委)It’s summer. Let’s write the word, put up your fingers, follow me.(板书)What can you do in summer?(学生回答)OK, What’s the next season? Autumn. (板书)

The autumn is gone, the winter is coming, I like winter best, because we can make a snowman.(板书)But my mom doesn’t like winter, she thinks it’s so cold, she likes spring. best. (板书)

OK, Which season do you like best?(板书)

4. Practice. (机械操练+分组游戏)

机械操练:OK,Let’s read the words together,follow me.(领读)This line read one by one./Boy read after me, Girls read after me.







Boys and girls, I know you like playing games, let’s play a game. : turn and turn. I’ll divide you into two groups, you are Group A, and you are Group B.I will give you 2 apple trees, this one is for Group A, and this one is for Group B. If you do better, I’ll give your trees one apple, come on ,boys and girls.

I write the 4 new words on some cards, one student of each group holding a card stands back to back. When I say 123, you should turn back at the same time, and then read out each other’s word aloud, if you can read it quickly and correctly, you’re the winner. Are you clear? OK, In Group A, Lucy, you please. In Group B ,Mike, you, please. Are you ready? Let’s begin.123,oh, Lucy is faster,but your pronunciation is wrong,it’ autumn,not autumn.so,I ‘ll give each of you an apple.OK,once more,123,this time Mike is faster,so I will giveGroup B one apple.

Look,I have 4 pictures in my hand,they’re spring,summer,autumn,winter.I choose one and put it here.Please gusee which season is it?In Group A,this line guess one by one. In Group B, this line guess one by one.Look,it’s spring. In Group A,two students are right. In Group B,only one,so,I will give Group A two apples, Group B one apple.Look, Group A is the winner.Congratulations. Group B,don’t give up,come on!

(或者进行pair work:Ask your partner which season do you like best,I’ll give you two minutes,stop here,who want to show us? Group A,you two,please. Group B,you two,please.I think Group A is better, I will give Group A one apple )


Now,let us work in groups,4 students work together,please make a survey and ask your partner,which season does he or she like best,then finish the table like this,the first line is for name,the second line is for season,the third line is for reason.Finally,I’ll ask some groups to come here and show us,5 minutes for you. Let’s begin.

Time’s up,stop here.Which group want to report?OK,Group A,come here,please.Xiao Hua likes winter best,because she likes making snowmen.your pronunciation is perfect,go back to your seat,and any volunteers? Group B,you please.Lucy,you should pay attention to your pronunciation.OK,go back to your seat.I think Group A is better,I will give Group A one apple. Now,let’s have a look, Group A has got 3 apples, Group B has got 2 apples, Group A is the winner. Group B,don’t be sad,I think you will be better next time.

6. Summary and homework.

Time is flying,let’s have a summry about what we’ve learnt today,please look at the blackboard,today we’ve learnt the new words spring,summer,autumn,winter.

Today’s homework,the first task,listen to the tape and read after it 3 times.

The second task,talk about the season with your family,then write a passage about your favourite season.OK,so much for today,goodbye,boys and girls.

OK,that’s all,thank you for your listening!

二. Let’s talk

1.开场白(同Let’s learn内容)

2. Warm up.(同上)

3. Presentation.

How many season are there in a year?Which season do you like best?OK,Let’s have a free talk.(这个自己发挥,也可以读单词卡片)

Do you remember our friend Wu Yifan and Mike?Look at the screen,here they are.Do you want to know what they are talking about?

Please watch the video and tell me.Let’s begin,what’re they talking about?Who can tell me?Oh,they’re talking about their favourite season.

Now,please open your books,read the conversation carefully and think about the question,which season does Mike like best?Who can tell me?If you’re Mike,how to answer my question?Which season do you like Best?(板书)Oh,you,please.Winter,I like snow.(板书)The second question, Which season does Wu Yifan like best?Oh,this girl.Spring,it’s pretty.(板书)。Right answer,thank you,sit down,please.

4. Practice.

Let’s watch the video and read after it.Good job!Let’s role play the conversation.I’m Mr.Jone,boys are Mike,girls are Wu Yifan .Let’s make a diologue.Very good!OK, Let’s practise the dialogue in pairs.

Boys and girls,I know you like playing games,let’s play a game.Simon says.If I say Simon says stand up,you must stand up. If I just say stand up,you can’t stand up,if you’re wrong,you should play the conversation with your partner,are you clear?Let’s begin. Simon says stand up, Simon says sit down,stand up,Oh,Jack, You’re wrong,Jack is in Group B, Group A get an apple.Jack,you should play the conversation with your partner.OK,once more,please. Simon says stand up, Simon says sit down,stand up,Oh,Mary, you’re wrong, Mary is in Group A, Group B get an apple.

5.Production. (同Let’s learn内容)

6. Summary and homework. (同上)

三.Read and Write


1.开场白(同Let’s learn内容)

2. Warm up.(同上)

3. Presentation.

Yesterday,I watched a program,it’s about robot.Do you know robots?What can robots do?Our friend Wu Yifan has a robot,his name is Robin,he can speak Chinese and English.Now,look at the screen,please watch the video.Let’s begin.Can you tell me what are they talking about?They’re talking about robot Robin.

Now please open your books,read the passage carefully and think about the question,what’s Robin like? 3 minutes for you.Ready?go!OK,stop here,what’s Robin like?Who can tell me?You,please,oh, Robin is short but strong.(板书)Great!Thank you ,sit down,please.Any volunteers?OK,this girl,please.He is hard working.(板书)Another one?that boy,please.Oh,he is strict,(板书)good job,thank you,sit down,please.

4. Practice.

机械性操练:Let’s watch the video again and read after it.Boys,please read the paragraph 1 and 3,girls,please read the paragraph 2 and 4.Read the passage then retell the passage in pairs.



Design a robot,then draw it on the paper.

6. Summary and homework.

Write a passage about your Robot.








构词(word formation)的方法主要有4类:

(1) 前缀法:在词根前加前缀,多数情况下词类不变。如:pre-determine (预订)

(2) 后缀法:在词根后加后缀,多数情况下词类改变。如:friendless (没有朋友的)

(3) 转化法:词类改变但词形不变。如:

We shall carpet the room.(名词→动词)我们将在房中铺地毯。

(4) 合成法:将一词加到另一词上,前一词修饰、限定后一词。如:

blackbird (画眉) armchair (扶手椅)

(一) 前缀法 (prefixation)

(1) 表示否定

a-, an- (缺乏,没有),多用以构成学术、科技方面的词。如:

amoral (非道德性的) asexual (无性别的) anarchy (无政府主义)

dis- (不,反面),如:disobey (不服从) disuse (废止) disloyalty (不忠诚)

in- (有变体:在[l]前为il-,在唇音[m, p, b]前为im-,在[r]前为ir-) (不,反面)和形容词结合。

如:incomplete (不完全的) illegal (非法的)

impossible (不可能的) irresponsible (不负责任的)

non- (不),和名词、形容词、副词结合,有时由连字符连接。如:

non-smoker (不吸烟者) non-perishable (不易腐败的) non-person (无关重要的人)

un- (不,非),和形容词及分词结合,其构词力在表示否定的一类前缀中最强。

如:unfair (不公平的) unexpected (想不到的) unknown (未知的)

(2) 表示反向或反义

de- 表示动作的反向,和动词或名词结合。如:

decentralize (分散) de-escalate (逐步升级) denationalization (非国有化)

表示剥夺。如:decapitate (斩首) deforestation (砍伐森林)

dis- 表示动作的反向,和动词结合。如:

disconnect (分离) disinfect (消毒) disown (脱离关系)

表示缺乏。如:disinterested (无私心的) discoloured (脱色的)

un- 表示动作的反向,和动词结合。如:

undo (使恢复原状) untie (解开) unpack (打开包裹)


unseat (夺去议席) unhorse (使下马) unmask (脱去假面具)

(3) 表示贬义

mis- (错,误)。如:miscalculate (算错) mishear (听错) mislead (误导)

(4) 表示程度、大小等

co- (平等,共同),和名词、动词结合。如:

co-education (男女同校) cooperate (合作) coordinate (协调) co-exist (共存)

hyper- (极),和形容词或名词结合。如:

hypersensitive (过敏的) hyperactive (极度活跃的) hypertension (高血压)

micro- (微小)。如:microcomputer (微型计算机) microscope (显微镜)

microwave (微波) microparticle (微粒子)

mini- (小),和名词结合。如:mini-market (小型市场) mini-skirt (迷你裙)

mini-cab (微型出租汽车) mini-factory (小型工厂)

out- (超越),和名词、不及物动词结合构成及物动词。如:

outnumber (数量超过) outgrow (长得比…快) outlive (比…长寿)

over- (过度)(有贬义),和动词、形容词结合。如:

overeat (暴食) overwork (工作过度) overconfident (过分自信的)

super- (超),和形容词、名词结合。如:supernatural (超自然的) superman (超人)

supersensitive (非常敏感的) supermarket (超级市场) superpower (超级大国)

sur- (过量),和名词结合。如: surcharge (附加费) surtax (附加税)

ultra- (极端,超过),和形容词结合。如:

ultra-modern (超现代化的) ultra-conservative (极端保守的) ultrasonic (超音速的)

under- (低于,少于),和动词及过去分词结合。如:

undercharge (少算价钱) underestimate (过低估价) underprovided (供给不足的)

(5) 表示方向、态度等

anti- (反对),和形容词及名词结合。如:anti-social (反社会的) anti-clerical (反教权的)

anti-war (反战的) anti-missile (反导弹的)

contra- (相反,对比),和名词、动策、形容词结合。如:

contradistinction (对照的区别) contradict (反驳) contrafactual (违反事实的)

counter- (反对),和动词、抽象名词、形容词结合。如:

counteract (抵制) counterrevolution (反革命) counterproposal (反建议)

pro- 表示赞成,和形容词、名词结合。如:

pro-clerical (拥护教权的) pro-American (亲美的) pro-reformation (拥护改革的)

表示代表,和名词结合。如:pro-consul (代理领事) pro-provost (副学监)

(6) 表示位置

fore- (先,前),和名词结合。如:forearm (前臂) foreground (前景) foreleg (前腿)

inter- (间,际,相互),和形容词、动词、名词结合。如:

international (国际的) interwind (互相盘绕的) intermarry (不同部落、种族通婚)

sub- (在…下,次,再),和名词、动词、形容词结合。如:

subcontinent (次大陆) subnormal (低能的) subdivide (再分)

super- (在…上),和名词结合。如:

superstructure (上层建筑) superscript (写在字符右上角的)

trans- (跨,转移),和形容词、动词结合。如:

transatlantic (横渡大西洋的) trans-Siberian (跨西伯利亚的) transplant (移植)

(7) 表示时间、次序等

ex- (前),和名词结合。如:

ex-president (前总统) ex-serviceman (退役军人) ex-husband (前夫)

fore- (预先),和动词、名词结合。如:

foretell (预言) forewarn (预先警告) foreshadow (预示)

post- (后),和名词、形容词结合。如:

post-war (战后) post-election (大选后) post-classical (古典后的)

pre- (前),和名词、形容词结合。如:

pre-war (战前) pre-19th century (19世纪前) pre-marital (婚前)

有时也和动词结合。如:pre-heat (预热) pre-cook (预煮)

re- (再),和动词、名词结合。如:rebuild (重建) reclaim (收回) re-analysis (重新分析)

有时也和形容词结合,构成动词。如:renew (更新)

(8) 表示数量

bi- (二)。如:bicycle (自行车) bilateral (双边的) bilingual (两国语言的)

multi- (多)。如:multi-storey (多层的) multi-choice (多项选择)

semi- (半)。如:semicircle (半圆) semi-automatic (半自动的)

tri- (三)。如:tricycle (三轮车) triangle (三角形)

(9) 来源于希腊、拉丁语

auto- (自身),和名词、形容词结合。如:autosuggestion (自我暗示) autobiography (自传)

extra- (在…之外),和形容词结合。如:extraordinary (特别的) extrasensory (超感觉的)

tele- (远),构成名词。如:telescope (望眼镜) telephone (电话) television (电视)

vice- (副),和名词结合。如:vice-chairman (副主席) vice-president (副总统)

(10) 转化词类

a- 和动词结合,构成形容词或副词。如:

asleep (adj.睡) alike (相似) aglow (adj.发亮) atremble (adv.颤栗着)

en-, em- (在[p],[b]音前) (放入,供给),和名词或形容词结合,构成动词。如:

enclose (围起) enrich (使丰裕) enforce (强迫) empower (授权)

(二) 后缀法(suffixation)

1. 名词后缀

(1) 下列后缀和名词结合多构成抽象名词。

-age 表量、集成等。如:baggage (行李) mileage (里程)

-dom 表集体、领域等。如:kingdom (王国) stardom (明星地位)

-ery, -ry (在[l]和[r]音后),表性质、场所、集体等。如:

slavery (奴隶制) bravery (勇敢) nursery (托儿所) bakery (面包房)

-ful 表充满。如:spoonful (一满匙) glassful (一满杯)

-hood 表身份、性质等。如:boyhood (少年) brotherhood (兄弟关系,兄弟会)

-ing 表物质、活动等。如:carpeting (地毯料) farming (务农)

-ism 表主义、行为、特征等。如:socialism (社会主义) criticism (批评)

-ship 表状态、身份等。如:friendship (友谊) hardship (困难) membership (会员)

(2) 下列后缀皆构成名词

-eer 表示专长、从事等。如:engineer (工程师) mountaineer (登山运动员) volunteer (志愿者)

-er 表示具有特征之人或用于…之物等。如:villager (村民) cooker (炊具)

-ess 表示女性。如:actress (女演员) lioness (雌狮子) waitress (女服务员)

-let 表示小型。如:booklet (小册子) piglet (小猪) starlet (童星)

-ster 表示人。如:trickster (骗子) gamester (赌徒) youngster (年轻人)

(3) 动词转名词

-age 表示行为、事例等。如:breakage (破损) coverage (保险范围) drainage (排水)

-al 表示行为、结果等。如:refusal (拒绝) revival (复兴) dismissal (免职)

-ant 表示施事者。如:inhabitant (居民) informant (告密者) participant (参加者)

-ation 表示过程、状态等。如:exploration (勘探) starvation (饥饿) education (教育)

-ee 表示受事者。如:payee (收款人) absentee (缺席者) refugee (难民) employee (雇主)

-er, -or 表示施事者。如:singer (歌唱家) writer (作家) driver (司机) computer (计算机)


accelerator (加速器) supervisor (监督员) survivor (幸存者) actor (演员)

-ing 表示结果。如:building (大楼) opening (开幕)

有些需用复数形式。如:earnings (收入) savings (储蓄)

有些为不可数名词。如:stuffing (填料) clothing (衣服)

有些为抽象可数名词。如:christening (命名仪式) wedding (婚礼)

-ment 表示结果。如:arrangement (安排) amazement (惊异) equipment (设备)

(4) 形容词转名词

-ity 使原词的重音移到后缀前一个音节。如:

elastic---elasticity (弹性) rapid---rapidity (急速) electric---electricity (电)

-ness 几乎可和任何形容词结合。如:

happiness (幸福) usefulness (有用) carelessness (粗心) up-to-dateness (最新)

(5) 名词/形容词


-ese 表成员、语言、风格等。如:Chinese (中国的,中国人,汉语)

Portuguese (葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语) Japanese (日本的,日本人,日本语)

-(i)an 表人和语言等。如:Darwinian (达尔文的,达尔文主义者) Asian (亚洲的,亚洲人)

republican (共和主义的,共和党人) Parisian (巴黎的,巴黎人)

-ist 表主义者、从事某种职业者等。如:violinist (小提琴家) stylist (文体家)

socialist (社会主义者,社会主义的) rac(ial)ist (种族主义者,种族主义的)

2. 形容词后缀

(1) 名词转形容词

-ed 表示具有。如:wooded (树木茂盛的) pointed (语言尖锐的) blue-eyed (蓝眼睛的)

-ful (充满),多与抽象名词构成形容词。如:useful (有用的) delightful (快乐的)

successful (成功的) helpful (有帮助的) 有时和动词构成形容词。如:forgetful (键忘的)

-ish 表示类似,主要和名词构成形容词。如:childish (孩子气的) foolish (傻子似的)

在形容词之后可表示“稍微”。如:coldish (微冷的) brownish (带褐色的)

表示人的年龄时,意谓“近似”。如:sixtyish (60岁左右的) tenish (10岁左右)

亦可表示民族、语言地区等。如:Swedish (瑞典的) Turkish (土尔其的)

-less (没有)。如: careless (粗心) restless (坐立不安的) colourless (无色的)

-like (像)。如:childlike (像孩子似的) statesmanlike (具有政治家风度的) monkeylike

-ly 表示特色。如:motherly (母亲似的) brotherly (兄弟般的) friendly (友好的)

亦表示时间单位“每”。如:daily (逐日的) weekly (每周的)

-y 表示类似、具有…特性等。如:sandy (多沙的) wealthy (富有的) cloudy (多云的)

-some 表示易于、有…倾向等。如:burdensome (沉重的) bothersome (讨厌的)

-al, -ial (用于词尾为-or的名词之后),-ical (用于词尾为-y的名词之后)。如:

accidental (偶然的) editorial (社论的) psychological (心理学上的)

-ic 如:atomic (原子的) heroic (英雄的) oceanic (大洋的) specific (特定的)

也表示“民族”“语言”等。如:Arabic (阿拉伯语) Celtic (凯尔特人的)

-ous 如:desirous (要,想) ambitious (抱负不凡的) dangerous (危险的)

(2) 动词转形容词

-able 和及物动词结合。如:washable (可洗的) drinkable (可饮用的)

manageable (易管理的) observable (看得见的)








小学英语面试试讲注意事项 :








语音听力阅读口语词汇写作 1、考核内容 面试遵循《中小学和幼儿园教师资格考试标准》和《考试大纲》(面试部分),主要考核申请人职业道德、心理素质、仪表仪态、言语表达、思维品质等教学基本素养和教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等教学基本技能。

2、面试方法 采用结构化面试、情景模拟等方法,通过备课、试讲、答辩等方式进行。使用教育部考试中心统一研制的面试测评系统。

3、面试过程 (1)候考:考生持面试准考证、身份证,按时到达考试地点,进入候考室候考。










Topic: My Daily Routine (我每天的日常生活)

Good morning, class. I'm glad to be here today to talk about my daily routine. As an English teacher, it is important that we not only teach grammar and vocabulary but also practical communication skills that can be used in daily life.

Firstly, I wake up at 6 a.m. every morning and brush my teeth. Then I take a shower and get dressed to start the day. I usually have a cup of coffee and some toast for breakfast. After that, I check my emails and messages before leaving for school.

Next, I arrive at school at 8 a.m. and start my day with a morning meeting with my class. I greet my students and ask them how they are feeling today. Then, we review the previous day's lessons and prepare for the day ahead.

During our English lessons, I encourage students to practice their language skills by asking and answering questions related to their daily routine. I'll use simple phrases such as "What time do you get up?" and "What do you have for breakfast?" to help them build confidence in speaking English.

Finally, after a long day of teaching, I leave school at 5 p.m. and go home to have dinner before doing some exercise or reading a book to relax.

In conclusion, by sharing my daily routine with my students, I hope they can see that learning English is essential for communication in daily life. Thank you for listening, and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.