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企业家精神作文英语 企业家精神作文英语翻译



How to Be a Successful Success comes with hard work.In order to succeed you must have the desire and the determination to succeed.Not many people will be successful in life but success can be achieved.Here are some tips to succeed.

First you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Work Hard and be very discipline.Success do not come overnight,you must work hard for it and be discipline.

Balance your life.

It is important that we remember that even as we work hard we should take some time to have fun.

Take time to educate yourself and become qualified.Never assume that you learn as much and that your job is safe.


I most admire the entrepreneur is Ma Yun, because in a few short years, he created Alibaba, took the richest man in China.





同是创业家的我来看,乔布斯留下的榜样,比他的设计理想更珍贵: 他善用自己拥有的时间专注经营,一举一动都充满了紧迫感,同时满怀热情。

我的朋友埃里克·卡洛尼厄斯(Erik Calonius)曾访问乔布斯,引述过他一句话,可说是他一生的写照:





深圳文化英语作文 2 I am not Shenzhen, nor is it not Shenzhen people living in Shenzhen for so long, ...


The old scalper is a kind of industrious. Calm. An animal that is not picky about food. Its big head has a pair of curved corners, its eyes are round, its nose is comparable to that of a pig, and its skin is khaki。




hang Ruimin and his colleagues have successfully turned a small collectively-owned factory into a globally recognized multinational company.Now they are striving to meet the needs of users worldwide by product innovation,business model innovation and mechanism innovation and contribute to China a truly excellent corporate identity in the global market.They are going to keep enriching this identity,and contributing to the prosperity of the national industry of China persistently


Labor spirit needs to be cultivated in practice.Labor spirit needs to be cultivated in practice.A man who gets something for nothing can't get happiness.Only through labor can we get rich.Do it yourself and have plenty of food and clothing.


In the hearts of the Chinese people, the ox is the embodiment of a diligent and hard-working man, a typical example of a loyal and hard-working worker, and a flag of a stubborn and tenacious pioneer.