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Lankao County兰考县1.The Developmental Model And Strategy Of Less-Developed Counties: A Case Study Of Lankao County, Henan Province;2.Lankao County Of Henna Province Is Selected As A Study Area.



Onion is a kind of vegetable. It has a unique smell which keep somebody away. Actually it has numerous health benifitsbecauseitcontainscalcium,phosphorus,ironetc and different kinds of vitamine . Besides it, onion has strong anti-bacterial function.

That's the reason why it is chosen by manycountriesasfrequentlyusedvegetable ingredient.

So let's eat more onion for our health.


Hot pot, or less commonly Chinese fondue, refers to several Chinese varieties of steamboat stew. It consists of a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked at the table. Typical hot pot dishes include thinly sliced meat, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, wontons, egg dumplings, and seafood. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce.


介绍长城的英语作文   The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea。 It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world。   长城,像一条巨龙横亘华北地区,它穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过山谷,由西到东蜿蜒曲折,最后到达大海。它是地球上最长的墙,也是世界奇迹之子。   The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years。 The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period。 All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty。All tile work was done by hand。 Thousands of people died while building the wall。Thus the Great Wall came into existence。   长城有2000多年的历史。它开始修建于春秋时期。秦朝时,所有的城墙联结在一齐。所有工作都是用手完成的,成千上万的人在修建长城时死去。长城就是这样出现的。   Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times。 Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look。 It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the world。   目前为止,长城重修多次。此刻的长城面貌一新,迎接来角全国和全世界各地的游客。


The Year of the Ox is coming. In China, you will find various ox figures made of gold, wood, plastic, paper, shell and stone on sale in stores and on streets to celebrate the return.




Some people like a lily,and some people like the flower of the sun,but I like Chinese rose flower.

Far see rose flowers like roses, it is half a meter high, every blooming flower is like a red sun.The branch of thetree the needle, and a few of the green leaves, the leaves are oval.The branches of the thickness of a thick finger,bark color is green, like a fairy with a wand.Leaves two two relative, like a good friend of the two neverseparated.Flower color is golden,white, pink. . . . . .Without the buds open like a brush head.Every flower openespecially bright, the breeze,as if in and we waved.

Ah!I love Chinese rose, it with the bright colors of the city streets look more beautiful.


Life is like a diary, everyone wants to write down his or her experiences. But when he put the journals with his vows are compared, the mood is humility!



   We're 100 per cent Chinese restaurant with Chinese stuffs and chefs.We provide you with traditional Chinese cuisine including Sichuan foodand Shanghai food.In addition,we offer refreshments,snacks and hotpot also with Chinese characteristics.The environment is quite as well as elegant,also with Chinese style.The restaurant is surrounded by many hotels ,which is very convenient for your accomodations.We warmly welcome all guests both from home and abroad to our restaurant Good evironment is served here,we have Chinese staffs and cooks,we serve traditional Chinese food.Such as shanghai cuisine ,sichuan cuisine,and also Chinese local specialty,nosh,chaffy dish etc.With beautiful surroundings,Chinese style and located in hotel area,in a word ,this place can give a good service.Now,come on!


Noodles are an essential ingredient and staple in Chinese cuisine. There is a great variety

of Chinese noodles, which vary according to their region of production, ingredients, shape

or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines

within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with

sizable overseas Chinese populations.

Chinese-style noodles have also entered the native cuisines of neighboring East Asian

countries such as Korea and Japan (dangmyeon and ramen, for example, are both of

Chinese origin), as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines,

Thailand, and Cambodia.

Although the Chinese, Arabs, and Italians have all claimed to have been the first to creat e

noodles, the first written acco