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Seek truth from facts and do things practically. Employees should care for each other and help each other. Leaders should respect and listen to employees'suggestions. Ye people-oriented, employees should be proud of the enterprise. Strengthen the sense of competition, improve team spirit. Strive to create more wealth for the company.


Traveling is a very interesting thing. What is the point of travel? At least two things.

On one hand, it can help you get rid of the negative associations of your old environment, because you can feel the pain in the place where you were hurt. On the other hand, it can help you get rid of the tool consciousness, because everything you see in a familiar scene is more or less instrumented.

Many people today make travel very tired, because they do not understand this truth, not in time and space to let themselves and the environment to maintain enough aesthetic distance.


Money is not everything,but no money is totally unacceptable.Money is very important,we must strive to make money,make money.With money,we can raise a family,there is money to live.So,money is very important.We must study hard,make money,to support the family,to live a good life.

Thank you.





Today is May Day. I am very happy. In the morning I go to a park with my parents. We go there by bus. There are many people in the bus because it is a holiday. There are many people in the park.

  There are many children there. Some are playing by the lake.Some are singing and dancing in the park. I join them. I play happily. We have a good time today. We come back late in the afternoon.


Self-confidence refers to the result of a positive evaluation of one's personality psychology and social role.

It is a belief that one can accomplish a certain task or solve a certain problem by some effective means.


In recent years, due to the progress of The Times and the opening of national policy, transnational marriage has become very popular。    Transnational marriage can make the next generation grow very beautiful, but also can learn different cultures。     But the transnational marriage is faced with the language barrier, cultural barriers and so on, to learn good language, understand the national culture to overcome barriers to transnational marriage。  


First of all, our society is developing rapidly, and the requirements for jobs have changed gradually. Previously, people can finish their job as long as they master a skill. But now, situations have changed. Computer skill, language ability and knowledge about law are needed for an employee, which helps them go further in their career.


The life needs innovation

  Because innovation our life is so happy; because innovation our life is so rich and colorful; because innovation our life is so happy; because innovation our life is so wonderful。 The 21st century is a rapid innovation letter era the life needs innovation!

  Can it is no exaggeration to say that if life without innovation so our life could also and primitive humans so dull and boring vulgar。 Now live without innovation just like the bird have no wings; Lack of innovation like blue sky without Clouds foil。 The life needs innovation to bee more excellent the life needs innovation to bee much more beautiful。 We need to life we need to innovate!

  However life not only need to innovation need more

  creative spirit anyone could bee Edison important is

  whether you caught inspiration in sad that as soon as flickers a strange idea as long as you always research continues will be successful。

  The life needs innovation life requires you to innovation。


Li Bai, born in 701 A.D., is a famous Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is also known as "Li Du" as well as "Li Du" as Du Fu.

In order to distinguish them from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, namely "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "Da Li Du".

According to the New Tang Book, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of the Xingsheng Emperor and was the same ancestor as the kings of Li and Tang Dynasty.

His people are cheerful and generous, like drinking and writing poetry, like making friends.

Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang Lao Lizhuang's thought. He had "Li Taibai Collection" handed down. Most of his poems were written when he was drunk.

His representative works included "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Road Difficulty", "Shudao Difficulty", "Entering Wine", "Liang Fu Yin" and "Early Falling White Emperor City".


李白,公元701年出生 ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”,与杜甫并称为“李杜”。为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。
