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Teachers are motors for students. Developing trust between teachers and reality is very important to help students to know the society and cultures.





人与人之间信任信任是一缕春风 信任是一缕春风,它会让枯藤绽出新绿;信任是一条纽带,它连结了无数心灵。

信任又像绽放的花朵,它需要友爱作空气,忠诚作阳光,关切作雨露。十四岁的女儿不知什么时候,抽屉上多了一把锁,而且经常半夜房里的灯还亮着。有一天,妈妈看见女儿神神秘秘地拿着一个小盒子放在了带锁的抽屉里。妈妈不经意的问了女儿一声,女儿高兴地说:“保密。” 妈妈帮女儿收拾房间,发现垃圾桶里有一团被女儿揉成一团的纸,妈妈好奇地捡起来一看,上面写着“我爱你……”,后面还有字被墨水弄脏了,看不清了。妈妈非常吃惊,她想起了每天晚上,女儿房里的灯亮着,女儿拿着盒子……,妈妈觉得女儿有点不对劲,但妈妈又马上想:不,我相信我女儿,她不会……,一定是我弄错了,我坚决相信我的女儿。以后几天,妈妈都没有“监视”女儿,仍向往常一样对女儿。那天晚上,女儿早早回到家里,帮妈妈做家务,还亲自下厨,炒了妈妈最喜欢吃的菜。吃饭的时候,女儿从房里带出了一个盒子和一张纸条,妈妈非常吃惊,因为女儿手里的盒子正是那天女儿神秘放进抽屉的盒子。女儿依偎在妈妈的背上,拿出纸条,深情地读着:“妈,我爱你,如果我是荷花,您就是为荷花遮风挡雨的荷叶……”女儿读完后,笑着说:“妈,今天是您的生日,这段话是我反复修改后写的,这个礼物是我用零花钱买的,送给您,祝您生日快乐!”顿时,妈妈全明白了,那灯、盒子,妈妈都明白了。妈妈非常感动,也觉得对不起女儿,于是把她原来的想法告诉了女儿。女儿听完后,笑着说:“妈,您不是没偷看我的抽屉嘛,而且您也仍然信任我嘛,只‘想想’没关系。”妈妈笑了,她得意的笑了,因为她庆幸当初只是“想想”。信任是人与人沟通的必要条件,人生之幸,莫过于被人信任;人生之憾,莫过于失信别人,“信任”会让生活更美满、幸福。


The relationship between parents and children is an eternal and universal topic for the mankind. Our relationship with parents might be different at different ages. And for young people at their 20s, I think it will more depend on what children do.

The reason why I say so is that as we grow up, our parents who were our idols before gradually get old and even out-dated. However hard efforts they make, they could not catch up with our steps, leading to the so-called invisible generation gap between us. Thus, if we cannot slow down our pace, there will definitely be an awkward silence between parents and us, which is not rare now. As a result, we young people should talk more with parents to share our feelings and to know each other better.

Everyone wants loving parents who are open and supportive. Only through frequent communication with each other can we establish such a harmonious relationship with our parents.









The greatest trust is trust yourself, trust yourself than to trust others more difficult,. Maybe someone would say: trust is a be an easy job to matter, is not lift a finger."! What I'm trying to say... You're wrong. The trust is to their own dedication to others and sure.

  In daily life, we can see everywhere on the " trust" for example. People taking a blind man across the street, the teacher to teach students knowledge, the parents of a child's education ... ... Prior to participating in social practice at the time, I remember clearly the instructor teaches us" trust fall " of the game, to which it is to be what is the significance of trust. Through this activity, let the class together, learn together and trust. When we trust others also have to believe in yourself, the master of your own fate.

  As the saying goes: no bullies oneself, do not deceive, do not bully day, a gentleman so shendu. If there is no trust is present, then each other speculation, the lack of the so-called


The Trust Between FriendsFriends are important for us,everyone has their own friends,we share sorrow and happiness with our friends.We are making new friends now and then




With the rapidly development of society,modern people are supposed to be mindful of the inter-personal relation in order to boost productivity or come a long way in the future.

However,there are no denying that the misunderstanding always exist among people,the barrier which people have no alternative but to remove.Initialy,we must learn the reason why the misunderstanding appear among people.Sometimes,the sense of hornor may cause the conflict because of the profit between the two people.Alao,the same words in different situations could create different meanings,which is one of the most significant sources in the interrelationship among persons.

To keep away from the quarrel,one of the best ways is to be helpful and optimistic.Calming,to some extent,can be hard to overstate the importance of it.After all,the cornerstone of argument is the collision which may be avoided,if there one of the individual is kind or good at the inter-personal skills.