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worm [wə:m]

n. 虫,蠕虫

insect ['insekt]

n. 昆虫

bug [bʌg]

n.小虫, 臭虫




嫂子的英文:“sister-in-law”。1、短语乡下嫂子 brother's wife in countryside嫂子颂 Praise Sister-in-law ; Carol for elder brother's wife ; Epithalamium To A Married Woman ; SISTER-IN-LAW EXTOLS亚洲嫂子 Asian sister-in-law ; Her brother Asia


Your brother and sister will ask you to come to them .您的哥哥和嫂子会邀请您去他们那儿的。

"why do you come to my poor house on such an auspicious night, my dear sister-in-law?" the older woman asked with studied sweetness ."嫂子今晚光临寒舍有什么事吧?"年纪较大的女人说,带着做作的亲热。

The major had a sincere liking and regard for his sister-in-law, whom he pronounced, and with perfect truth, to be as fine a lady as any in england .少校对他的嫂子是真心喜爱和敬重的,说她比得上英国的任何一位夫人,这话完全不错。

What are you looking at ? she ' s your sister - in - law你在看什么?她是你嫂子

But in your mind i was but a trouble论起来亚琴跟我叫嫂子,我们是妯娌。

My brother and his wife are 8 years apart我哥哥和我嫂子差了八岁呢

I ' ll play a wicked sister - in - law for you我来给你当一个好嫂子吧

My sister - in - law drives me up the wall我嫂子把我逼入了绝境。

Have you seen my brother and his wife你见过我哥哥和嫂子吗?

My sister - in - law ' s constant stupidity makes my blood boil我嫂子连续不断的愚蠢言行搞得我勃然大怒。


meet [mi:t],中文谐音:密特

vt.& vi.相遇; 相识; 开会; 接触(某物);

vt.满足; 迎接; 支付; 经历(常指不愉快的事);

[例句]I have just met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.我刚刚遇到了我想与之共度余生的男人。



老公的英语单词是husband。词汇分析音标:英 ['hʌzbənd] 美 ['hʌzbənd] 释义:节约地使用(或管理);丈夫短语Merciful husband 仁慈的丈夫Unfortunate Husband 无语问苍天courier husband 快递丈夫First husband 第一老公 ; 第一先生 ; 第一丈夫Fourth Husband 第四个丈夫例句1、Her husband's death heartbroke her greatly. 丈夫的去世让她悲痛欲绝。

2、She does not like to contradict her husband in public. 她不喜欢当众与丈夫顶嘴。

3、Not with my husband. 我不能没有我的丈夫。

4、Sometimes she bitched her husband. 有时她抱怨她丈夫。

5、She is out with her husband. 她和她丈夫闹翻了。


树的英文单词:tree。 tree 英 [tri:] 美 [tri] n.树;木料;树状图;宗谱。 vt.把…赶上树;使处于困境;把鞋型插入(鞋内)。 例句:

1、He dodged nimbly behind a tree. 他敏捷地一闪身,躲到了树后。

2、The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night. 这匹狼用爪子挠着树,嚎叫了整晚。


地图的英语:Map  基本词汇;英 [mæp] 美 [mæp];n. 地图;vt. 绘制地图;计划;词汇搭配;

1、draw a map 绘地图;

2、look at a map 看地图;

3、open a map 把地图打开;

4、military map 军事地图;常见句型;1、Spread a map flat on the ground, please.;请把地图平展在地面上。;2、He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.;他举起地图,这样可以看得更清楚些。;3、On the back wall there is a map of China.;后墙上有一幅中国地图。;4、The scientists mapped the surface of the moon.;科学家绘制了月球表面的地图。;扩展资料:;词源解说:16世纪20年代进入英语,直接源自中古法语的mappa,意为布。;词语用法;1、on the map也可用于比喻作“重要的”解; off the map作“偏远的,遥不可及的”解。;2、map用作及物动词,作“绘制地图”解,其后常接名词作宾语,不接从句或动词不定式。;3、map常与副词out连用,表示“在地图上标出”“筹划或安排某事”“详细提出某事”,可用于被动结构。


微笑的英文翻译是smile,既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用。 smile 英 [smaɪl] 美 [smaɪl] vi. 微笑 n. 微笑;笑容;喜色 vt. 微笑着表示 相关短语: n. (Smile)人名;(塞)斯米莱 arouse a smile 引起微笑 conceal a smile 掩盖笑容 crack a smile 笑逐颜开 exchange smiles 互相微笑 flash a smile 展颜微笑 force a smile 强作笑脸 give sb a smile 向某人微笑 hide a smile 藏起笑容 keep a smile 保持面带笑容 manage a smile 强作微笑


princess : [ prin'ses, 'prinses ] n.





5.〔古语〕女王。 1. Princess Anne is the daughter of Queen Elizabeth. 安妮公主是伊丽莎白女王的女儿。 2. She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb. 她泰然自若地履行王妃的职责. 或in·fan·ta [in'fæntə; in'fntə](plural in·fan·tas )(西班牙、葡萄牙的)公主 (opp. infante) 〔尤指帝王的长女〕。 公主- Princess 王子- Prince 国王- King 皇后- Queen


鲨鱼shark英 [ʃɑːk] 美 [ʃɑrk] n. 鲨鱼;骗子vi. 诈骗vt. 敲诈 网络短语] 鲨鱼 Shark;Paul Shark;shark大鲨鱼 Shark;Shaq;Shark or die小鲨鱼 Shark;The Baby Shark;Gato