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介绍节日 英语口语对话






1、你好 hello

2、没问题 no problem

3、就这样吧 that‘s all

4、别担心 don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张 take it easy

8、别客气 help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了 it is going too far



Hi,can you help me? I need new clothes for my vacation!


I need a short ,red dress and big, black boots.

Need something else?

No,  thank you. Bye!

Bye,  See you!



Hi, what's up? 

Nothing much. What about you? 

So so. 


Can I take your order now? 

Yes,  please.  I would like beef noodle. A cup of coke. 


 1. A: Excuse me, is a library nearby?

  B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office.

  A: Thank you very much.

  B: You are welcome.


 2. Michael: Hi,Susan!

  Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today?

  Michael: Very well. How are you?

  Susan: So so.

  Michael: What's wrong?

  Susan: I have a sore throat.




1.May I have a customs declaration form, please? 请给一份海关申报表好吗?

2.Could you explain how to fill this out? 请你说明一下怎样填这张表好吗?

3.Do you have anything to declare? 你有东西要申报关税吗?

4.I have nothing to declare. 我没有要申报的东西。


English conversation for shopping.

Shop assistant: Hello customer, how can I help you?

Customer: Hello, I'm looking for a winter coat.

Shop assistant: We have a lot of new models, please come and have a look. What style do you like?

Customer: I would like a camel colour, not too long, just warm.

Shopper: Take a look at this one, it's just the right coat for you. It's only $200 and we'll give you a free belt if you get a membership today.

Customer: Well, that's a good one, so please give me an average size, I'll check out and get another membership card.

Shopper: Thank you for your patronage.


A: Happy New Year!

A: 新年快乐!

B: Uh...I'm a bit confused; New Year's Day was over weeks ago.

B: 嗯……我有点搞迷糊了,新年不是几周前就过去了吗?

A: You must be kidding! It is Chinese New Year, silly!

A: 你在开什么玩笑啊!我是说春节,你这傻瓜!

B: Oh right, it slipped my mind. Why do you celebrate two New Years?

B: 喔,对了,我都忘了。你们为什么要庆祝两个新年啊?

A: Chinese New Year is according to the lunar calendar. Chinese have been celebrating New Years in this fashion for thousands of years.

A: 春节是根据农历而定的。中国人庆祝这个节日的习俗已经延续几千年了。

B: I noticed that our company was very empty the past couple of days.

B: 我发现这几天我们公司里空荡荡的。

A: That is because everyone goes home for Chinese New Year; it is a family holiday, not so much a party holiday. Would you like to come to my house for New Year's Dinner?

A: 因为大家都回家过年啦,这是个家庭团聚的日子,不太属于狂欢的节日。你想要到我家吃年夜饭吗?

B: Of course. Will you set off firecrackers?

B: 当然好啊,你们会放鞭炮吗?

A: Naturally, but the most important thing that we do during New Years is to eat! So make sure to bring your appetite!

A: 会啊,不过过年期间最重要的事情就是吃,所以准备好大吃一顿哦!


Lili:Jack,how to improve my spoken English?

Jack:Lili,there is no shortcut,you should open your mouth and speak English loudly everyday.

Lili:thanks,I got it.


1、你好 hello2、没问题 no problem3、就这样吧 that‘s all4、别担心 don’t worry5、这是你的吗? is this yours6、给你 here you are7、别紧张 take it easy8、别客气 help yourself9、保持联系 keep in touch10、太离谱了 it is going too far