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英语口语 三人对话 关于运动的



Wow! How nice your school is! Yes, I like it very much. Where is your classroom? It's on the second floor.


Dashan: Did you know that this city has one of the most famous collections of Canadian art in Canada?


  Yunbo: No, I had no idea. Where is the art collection?


  Dashan: It's in one of our national art galleries.


  Rumei: I don't know a lot about Canadian art, but I've always been interested in finding out more about it.


  Yunbo: I've read about Canadian art on the Internet, but that's all.


  Dashan: Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look? The gallery's just around the corner.


  Yunbo: You bet. Do we have time?


  Dashan: Yeah, but we'd better hurry. I think the gallery closes at 6:00 tonight.


  Dashan: Yunbo, haven't you been painting for a long time?


  Yunbo: Yes, I have. I'm not a very good painter, but I enjoy painting a lot.


  Dashan: Do you use oil paints?


  Yunbo: I started painting with oils, but now I prefer using water colours. Rumei doesn't like the smell of the oil paints. Have you ever done any painting, Dashan?

  云波:我刚开始作画时是这样,但是我现在更喜欢画水彩。如梅不喜欢油画颜料的气味。 大山,你作过画吗?

  Dashan: No, I haven't, but I've been taking Chinese calligraphy lessons.


  Rumei: Is that so? How long have you been studying calligraphy?


  Dashan: Since last summer. I started taking lessons during my visit to Shanghai last year. And I've been practising ever since. This gallery's got all kinds of Canadian art... Painting, sculpture, prints, photography, and carvings. Yunbo and you will enjoy it.

  大山:自从去年夏天就开始学了。 我是去年去上海时开始的,从那以后,就一直坚持练字。这家美术馆收藏各种艺术品,有油画、 雕塑、版画、摄影作品以及雕刻品。 云波你们俩会喜欢的。

  Rumei: I'm sure we will.


  Dashan: Would it be okay to look at the painting by the Group of Seven first? I love their art.


  Yunbo: Sure. But who or what is the Group of Seven?


  Dashan: The Group of Seven was a group of seven Canadian painters. They painted Canadian landscapes in the 1920s and 1930s.

  大山:七人画社是由加拿大的七名画家组成的。 他们在本世纪20年代和30年代以画加拿大的风景画出名。

  Dashan: Excuse me. Is it okay to take photos of the paintings in the gallery?


  Attendant: Sorry. Taking photos of our collection is not allowed. But, our gift shop has lots of posters, postcards and books.


  Dashan: Thanks.


  Rumei: Look at these magnificent paintings of the outdoors. They must be paintings by the Group of Seven.

  如梅:来看看这些壮丽的户外风景画吧。 它们肯定出自七人画社。

  Dashan: You're right, Rumei. These artists loved painting the wilderness.


  Yunbo: The paintings are so bold and dramatic. I can't stop looking at them.


  Dashan: What do you think, Rumei?


  Rumei: I love the forests, rocks and lakes in the paintings. But the colours are a bit too strong for me.


  Dashan: You'll see this kind of scenery on our train ride back to Vancouver next week.


  Dashan: Oh, this painting must be by Emily Carr. She's one of my favourite artists. She's painted pictures of forests and totem poles in British Columbia.


  Yunbo: Was she from British Columbia?


  Dashan: Yes. As a matter of fact, she lived in Victoria. Her house is a museum now.



A: 话题之体育和健康B: 对啊,运动对健康有多么重要!A: 运动可以帮助保持良好的心理健康,也可以增加身体的活力。长期运动也有助于提高基础代谢率和降低发生疾病的风险。B: 没错,而且它可以增加免疫力,帮助抵抗疾病,延缓衰老过程,控制体重等等,简而言之,运动就是为了提高健康准备的基础。A: 完全正确!只要持续保持适宜的程度,不论我们做什么样的运动,都能获得健康的益处!


A: Take me off.A: Where did you travel, Tony?B: I'm going to the Great Wall with my parents.C: Oh, that must be amazing.


Hello, my name is AnZiYi. From China. Nice to meet you all. I hope to be good friends with everyone. The six of us can always be good friends. We should love each other. We have to protect each other.



He,how are you?

thank you!

How long would you like to stay in these cities?

May I have a map?

OK. Excuse me. May I ask where we are now?

I'm afraid I have lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?






The Dragon Boat Festival

Jack: Why are you celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival?

Lillian: We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China, QuYuan.

Mike:Can you tell us about it and we will ask you some questions,Li? Jack: How do you celebrate it?

Lillian: We'll make Zongzi. The stuffing in zongzi could be dates, bean paste, yolk, chestnuts or other things. There are many kinds. People in southern China like the zongzi with meat in it.

Jack: I almost drooled because of your description.

Lillian: There are also Dragon Boat Matches in some places of southern China.

Mike:It sound nice. Jack: We can't wait to go and see.


morning sir , do you need any help?B yes , I am finding the waiting room 10 .A don't worry sir , I can help you , could you tell me whhich flight you take ?B SB10086A the one to the UAE ?B yes .A I am afraid you must waiting outside for about 30mins .you can sit on waiting area 5 or have alook of this little store , or buy some dates(椰枣) . it's the special product of Oman .B okay , thankyou sir. have agoog dayA you are welcome


1、你好 hello

2、没问题 no problem

3、就这样吧 that‘s all

4、别担心 don’t worry

5、这是你的吗? is this yours

6、给你 here you are

7、别紧张 take it easy

8、别客气 help yourself

9、保持联系 keep in touch

10、太离谱了 it is going too far