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Zhang Ruimin,male,Han nationality,was born in 1949 in Laizhou City,Shandong province.He holds the title of senior economist and was awarded a MBA degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1995.He is now the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Haier Group.

  Zhang Ruimin and his colleagues have successfully turned a small collectively-owned factory into a globally recognized multinational company.Now they are striving to meet the needs of users worldwide by product innovation,business model innovation and mechanism innovation and contribute to China a truly excellent corporate identity in the global market.They are going to keep enriching this identity,and contributing to the prosperity of the national industry of China persistently




音标:英 [ɪntrə'djuːs] 美 [ˌɪntrə'dus]



ntroduce product 商展中介绍产品 ; 商展中先容产品 ; 产品介绍 ; 外墙乳胶漆产品介绍

Introduce youself 自我介绍 ; 成员自我展示中心

client introduce 客户介绍

Introduce Parameter 采用参数将区域变量改成参数方式传递

Introduce Refrigerators 介绍冰箱


1、Allow me to introduce a friend to you.


2、However, in this section, we simply introduce the ideas behind it.


3、On his first day as the new-comer,he breezed through the office to introduce himself.


4、As you like music, you can introduce some famous singers to me.


5、“Introduce yourself, ” I say when they forget.



Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011), was born in San Francisco, California, USA inventor, entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple.


Chinese Medicine英[]tʃaɪˈni:z ˈmedisin美[]tʃaɪˈniz ˈmɛdɪsɪn词典释义traditional Chinese medical science[医]中医学,中医科学;国医doctor of traditional Chinese medicine中医师;国医practitioner of Chinese medicine[医]中医(师)

herbalist doctorn.中医


Directions: Your close friend in college, Li Ming, is going to pursue his postgraduate study in the foreign university where you studied before.   Write a letter of no less than 100 words to your former teacher Professor Smith to introduce Li Ming’s characters and so on, expressing your hope for help from Prof. Smith.   Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.   Dear Prof. Smith,   I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mr. Li Ming, my classmate and best friend.   He is going to pursue his studies as a postgraduate in your university after his graduation here. We’ve lived and studied together for almost four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as he does. His performance in the school years was outstanding. In addition, he has a very pleasant personality and staying with him is always pleasant.   Will you please give him some guidance regarding the postgraduate entrance examination? If it is convenient, could you introduce him to the future tutor? It would be appreciated of you can give him some help.   Yours truly,   Wang Hua   英文介绍信常用句式:   1、Please allow me to introduce one of my best friends to you.   请允许我向您推荐我最好的朋友.   2、I am writing to introduce Li Ming, one of my college classmates in Beijing.   我写信是要介绍我在北京时的大学同学李明.   3、I am very glad to have this chance to write to you to …   很高兴能有这次机会向您写信……   4、I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer Mr. Li.   很高兴能向您介绍这封信的持有者李先生.   5、The bearer of this letter is Mr. Li whom I personally know to be a most deserving person for your position.   这里介绍的这封信的持有者李先生,我个人认为是这个职位的最佳人选.   6、Thanks for your attention and hope to receive your reply.   多谢您的关注,希望能收到您的回复.   7、It would be appreciated of you can give her some help.   如果您能给他提供帮助,我将不胜感激.   8、I would be most grateful of you could lend due attention to this letter and contact me at…   如您能对此信给予一定的关注并通过……和我联系,我将非常感谢.   9、In addition, I want to express my sincere thanks for your attention.


英文缩写是“E”,是“Entrepreneur”的缩写,中文意思是“企业家”,例如I want to be a great entrepreneur, I believe that I can achieve my ideal,中文是我想成为一个伟大的企业家,我相信我一定能实现我的理想,还有Every entrepreneur must be a talent manager – able to identify and inspire the right human capital,中文是每位企业家都必须是个人才发展经理,能够识别和激励正确的人力资本。


Hello, everyone.Airbnb是AirBed and Breakfast ("Air-b-n-b")的缩写,中文名:家在四方。Airbnb是一个旅行房屋租赁社区,用户可通过网络或手机应用程序发布、搜索度假房屋租赁信息并完成在线预定程序。Airbnb是一家联系旅游人士和家有空房出租的房主的服务型网站,它可以为用户提供各式各样的住宿信息。Airbnb用户遍布190个国家近34000个城市,发布的房屋租赁信息达到5万条。AirBnB被时代周刊称为"住房中的EBay"。Airbnb成立于2008年8月,总部设在美国加州旧金山市。2011年,Airbnb服务难以置信地增长了800%。2015年2月28日,美国短租网站Airbnb正在进行新一轮融资,而估值将达到200亿美元。根据消息人士的说法,Airbnb计划融资10亿美元,而目前已完成了其中的一半。


企业家 企业家[简明汉英词典] [qǐyèjiā]

1. enterpriser

2. entrepreneur




[服装] scarf



毛皮围巾fur scarf

围巾小姐Little Miss Muffett

