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Good morning, everyone!

I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to give a speech on this special day.

Today marks the beginning of a new year. We all have different experiences in the past year. Regardless of the results, we should take this new year as a new starting point.

Let us use the courage and determination of the new year to surpass ourselves and embrace the future with optimism. I firmly believe that with our efforts, this year will be better than ever.

Happy New Year!


The power of music is beyond imagination. As we know music can work as an efficient way to reduce pressure. In addition listening to music can greatly cultivate our sense of beauty. At last we should listen to music frequently.


Tangshan is my hometown.I have been living here since I was born.

Tangshan is a heavy industry city with a long history.The dowmtown of the city flourishing.

The weather here is pleasant all the year round. 

There are two parks with beautiful scenery in the city.

What is more, there is a big zoo near the centre.You can see some wild animals there.

The people here are very kind and welcome.

If you are in trouble, they will help you a lot.I like the people of Tangshan.

I am sure you will love the city.


Hello everyone! My name is ShenLei, and I'm your tour guide. You can call me ShenDao. First of all, I wish you a happy trip! Please be careful when you get off the bus.

Now let me introduce the Forbidden City to you. Beijing Forbidden City,also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. Today people call it the Forbidden City, which means the imperial palace of the past.It is a magnificent building built in 14 years by Ming Emperor ZhuDi, who recruited countless skilled craftsmen. The Palace Museum covers an area of720000 square meters and has more than 9000 houses. It is the largest and best preserved ancient palace complex in the world. The palace is arranged along an orth-south axis, symmetrical and well arranged. There are four gates outside the Palace Museum, the main gate is called Meridian Gate, the east gate is called Donghua gate, the west gate is called Xihua gate, and the north gate is called Shenwu gate. The three main halls that attract the most attention are Taihe hall, Zhong he hall and Bao he hall. I will not introduce them in detail.After a while, you can enjoy them freely.







  红星美凯龙创业20多年来,一直秉承“一丝不苟,视信誉为生命;勤奋务实,视今天为落后”的企业精神,积极实施“品牌市场全国连锁化经营,全球化名牌捆绑品牌经营”的策略,在全国领先推出了“市场化经营,商场化管理”的模式,成功创造了许多个第一:第一个走到外地;第一个做连锁;第一个做加盟店;第一个买地自建商场,缔造了全世界单体最大的家具商场。红星人的共同愿景是:到2020年建成200家品牌连锁大卖场,打造中华民族的世界商业品牌。 今天,我们把目光聚焦到安徽,安徽区域是红星2020年目标的重要组成部分,是我们各位正为之奋斗的事业,在红星企业文化的大背景下,我们提炼出自己的区域精神:合力共赢,徽剑崛起。合力,是我们与经销商之间团结协作,我们与商场之间齐心协力,合力也是我们同事之间和睦相处,领导和员工上下一心,合力创造团结,团结创造力量,力量赋予我们挥剑崛起的动力。 每一个商场的成功营运,离不开每一位员工的努力,工作无分贵贱,关键在于付出多少。作为客服部一名新进的普通员工,我为自己奋斗的事业而骄傲,虽然我默默无闻,但是我却为商场的品牌形象做着不可或缺的工作,每播放一首歌曲,每播出一条消息,都体现着商场的人文情怀;每接待一位顾客,每回答一个疑问,都体现着商场顾客至上的服务态度;每打印一份标价签,每填写一张特价牌,都体现着商场对商品品质的严格要求;每帮助一位商户改进服务,每完成一次商户的要求,都体现着商场对商户的关心和支持。我深刻的体会到自己工作的重要性,也明白自己所承担的责任。每当我完成一项任务时,便使客服工作前进了一小步,而每个和我一样的员工都完成了一项工作时,便使商场的发展前进了一大步。也只有每个商场都在前进,才能保证安徽区域的红星蓬勃发展,正应征了“合力共赢,徽剑崛起”的精神。 作为红星人,我们满怀憧憬投身到集团新一轮发展大潮中,合内外之力,聚上下一心,用千千万万个小我的努力,去换得大家庭的成功;作为安徽人,我们满怀感恩,投身到家乡建设事业中,发挥不折不挠、同舟共济的徽商精神,只为比别人做的好一点,只为提升家乡人的居家生活质量。我相信,安徽区域美好的明天,掌握在我们每个红星人手中。

  建设安徽区域,我们任重道远;畅想未来,我们满怀信心。 让我们尽情挥洒才能和激情!让我们携手奋进,为共同建设红星灿烂的明天而努力拼搏吧!




There are always misfortunes in our life. Last week on my way home I saw a cat on the road. It was deserted and homeless. Misfortune exits not only for humans but also for animals.



When I was very young,I have a dream that one day I could be a writer. Why I want to be a writer in the funture? first of all, I like writting. When I write down something in my diary,I enjoy that kind of feeling very much. Another reason is that I like to express my feeling through writting. So in the future , I want to be writer.

八、关于living well的演讲稿英语?

Physical well and mental satisfaction is the root or base for the everyday doings.In my opinion the recognition from the society for one person as an individual is the most potential.

When you or your wife give birth to a baby,in such a moment you experience the happy-event,you'd like to have all the quantities around know that you have an offspring.People greet you, and you feel in heaven.That' it.

Everybody longs on better living,the first thing you are asked to do is deriving the concerns.The more your relatives and colleages or classmates care about you,the more you will feel like being filled with opportunities,even if you feel more on people laughing at you.

It is not unfortunate when you saw their glancing at you.They do such things because you become famous in an area but they do not know why.Your duty is explaining what you have done,whatever but rather the ones in which you presented your good manners.

You will receive sympathy,you will make friends.

Then one couldn't live on without believes,or careers.If you do have one,no problem.Else you'd better find one.What interest you most?Looking for a perfict one is a waste of time.No absolute subject.However,you can always find a better,don't hesitate to have a try though there is some career you must devote to it besides no one restrict your hobbies as long that they do no harm to the society.

Precisely,living well is a concept with more contents,I merely gave my attitudes.


Honey is a very common thing in our daily life.Honey is a very common thing in our daily life. He is the companion of many teas. Has always been a symbol of sweet honey.

