1、Part A:模仿朗读
2、Part B:角色扮演
Part B的难度不高,但容易零零碎碎地失分。听说考试最大的特点是答题时间短,一旦错过答题时间就无法重新答题。因此,同学们在每个部分的答题都应该尽量做到以下三点:审题细心,答案精简,答题准确。
3、Part C:故事复述
Part C故事复述(总分24分,最后折成6分)是高考听说中最难的一部分。
“我大概听得懂在说什么,可是要我重新复述一次就懵了”—— 在平时的课堂练习上,不少同学仔反映复述部分很难。其实,只要抓住key words,掌握好步骤,勤加练习,复述并没有想象中的那么难。
学校会发一本小书,口语题目就在上面的,只要花时间背熟就可以了啊。 考试的时候给你一张纸,让你准备10分种左右,评委让你读其中的几个句子。然后问你几个问题。很简单,比如你最喜欢的城市之类的
A: hey guy, what are you looking for when choosing a friend?
B: helpful, of cause. Everybody need help, don't we? so being able to help each other is most important for me to choosing a friend.
C: no, no, no,no. if you can't get along with a person, how can you guys be friend.
B: yet right.
A: hold on, B(叫他的名字),let's hear others opinions.
D:hehe, trusty is what I care about, a close friend must be trustful, don't you think so?
A: yes, and also, a good friend also need to be generous.
D: yeah, that's another point.
C:en, everybody has his/her own opinion in this topic, the all the opinions sound pretty true in making friend...
A: so are you all agree with each other?
All; yes!!!