1、ABC分别代表三个服装大牌Armani、BURBERRY和Christian Louboutin。
3、ABC百科全书(the ABCs)为英语世界中最负盛名的三部百科全书的集合俗称,即《大美百科全书》(Encyclopedia Americana)、《大英百科全书》(Encyclopedia Britannica)及《科里尔百科全书》(Collier's Encyclopedia)。
4、中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 是英文缩写。
5、江上村企业金融工作室——ABC(Agency of Bank Capital)是英文缩写。
Individuality and values: individuality and values do not exist in isolation, they are complementary, dialectical and unified. On the one hand, no matter who an individual is, he must have his own personality. He is controlled by some kind of reason, emotion or will.
In other words, no matter what kind of independence, obedience or rebellion, he must know himself; on the other hand, values are that every member of society evaluates his own behavior and things and chooses his acceptable object from various objects It is the internal power to control one's behavior. Personality is not born, most of which are acquired. The development of an individual is closely related to one's values.
A person's whole mental state will have a stable support point, and his moral standards and behavior standards will also be formed on this basis, precisely because of these values Outlook, his personality, whatever it is, will have an important impact on his social existence. He can't let his values follow his own personality