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别紧张 不会太难 我和你说说我高考时考口语的情况好了 考试的地点是一间教室 人物是3个老师 主角是我 内容是几个问题 读他们给的一段文章 不长 注意文章的主旨 可能会问你 别太紧张而忘了 看意思了 如果愿意的话就在开始前打个招呼 不过我没打 结束时说声THANK YOU 我说了 记住THANK 的发音要准确哦 还有尽量不要回 答 SORRY ,I DON’T KNOW 我想他们会蛮反 感这句话的 反正尽量说 别怕 他们不会吃 了你的 我想我高考的内容都不难 你中考也不会难吧 口语口语就是要敢说 别不开口哦 希望有点用 千万别紧张 我考的时候手拿着那张写了短文的纸 抖个不停 想想都觉得好笑 别和我一样哈

英语口语的作业 ~~要自己选一个题目~

Topics for Presentation
1. Why can the United States be regarded as a collage?
2. What qualities do you think college students should have in order to be competitive in the future job market?
3. What’s the greatest invention so far? Why?
4. Culturally speaking, what are the differences between America and China? Please list three differences which impress you the most.
5. List some reasons for the quickening pace of life for “modern” people. And suggest some possible ways for people in different lines of work (farmers, university teachers, doctors, businessmen, etc.) to slow down steps while not lowering working efficiency and quality of life.


1.Tell a piece of recently news

A: A:Do you hear about the event that happened in Foxconn recently ?

B:Yeah,it is amazing that so many people have jumped from the top of the employee dormitory.

A:It seems that 14  people have jumped until now and 11 of them died , the others seriously hurt .

B:But this morning the newspaper says that the fifteenth jumper has already appeared .

A:oh ,my God .I can hardly believe that !

B: Foxconn  is one of world top 500 companies ,but to our surprise ,the employees are so weak in their mind

A:I think it’s not all their faults ,we should seek the disadvantages from society.

A:But I hold the idea that it is the company cause the problem .

B:why ?

A:Because of the work are more stressly in Foxconn and many workers can not bear it .They repeat the same action everyday and there are no place for them to release pressure.It all because the company’s poorly oversight that cause the jumping .

B:Yeah ,I agree with what you said.But I think the reason why so many workers chose to die is complex.

A:Not only the company should pay attention to the jumping,but also the government has to take some useful actions to solve the problem.

B:Well, so many problems like high house price ,difficulty of finding jobs and so on are also the reasons.

A:Yeah , if we want to stop this happen again ,the government and also the company should take strict and effective measures.