第一步:大量背诵原汁原味的单句、对话、生活习语。第二步:把每天背诵过的素材反复消化,借助想像力,身临其境把它们表演出来。 第三步:写日记。这个习惯看上去练习的是写作,其实它更是练习口语的妙法。当你动笔的同时,你的大脑正在激烈地做着英文体操。用英文进行思维是高级的口语训练方法。第四步:大量阅读报刊、杂志及各种故事、杂文,之后将它们复述出来。 (超级提示:是复述而非背诵。)同一篇文章的复述工作应该反复滚动。 第五步:一年左右逐渐过渡到用英文进行日常的思维活动。每当遇到不会的词、句就记录在本子上,集中解决,并定时更新、复习。
英语口语对话 网络的利与弊
A: Hey,B, long time no see,?What did you do over you vacation? Travel? B: No ,I haven’t traveled, the Internet cost most of my time ,and i seldom go out A: with the modern social developing fast, the internet is widely used in our daily life. Do you think it is benefit for us or not ? B: Nobody can give a absolute answer to this question however. There must be some advantages while it has some disadvantages. for students ,To grasp some information from the Internet is really good ,but,if they can’t control themselves and are addicted to it ,they will not be concentrated on their learning. What’s your view? A: I think the internet can broaden our horizons, and we can stay at home but learn anything all over the world. Meanwhile, it is also possible to spread bad information, such as violence, and so on.it may cause some social crimes,especial for those students who don’t have strong ability to Distinguish between good and bad B; I agree with you. In fact,In our daily life, the network has brought us a lot of convenience. We can online shopping, it can save time for us, however, it can also bring us some problems,the size of the clothes and shoes we bought online maybe not suitable A all in all,It is unable to say the internet is good or bad only on one side, It just depends on how you look at and use it B: Yeah, Everything has two sides, the network is no exception, so it should be properly used