喔 顺便一提 我现在学的ABC天卞英语的外教和我提到 其实想将英语学好应该是不费力地 一定要有一个适合的学习空间及闇练口语对象,这取决于外教资质,东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正才可以 持续天天练习口语 1v1家教式辅导才能够有非常.好.的学习成效。课程结束后仍要重复复习课堂音频,来进一步深化知识;如果真的没有人可以指导的话,就去听力室或爱思得到课外教材学习 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,迅速的语感会提高起来,学习效益应该可以达成目标的..If you were one of the survivors of the Sichuan earthsuake, what would you feel about ts A: If I was one of the survivors of the Sichuan earthsuake, the first tng I would tnk of is how lucky I am to have escaped ts catastrophy, I mean, that earthsuake was certainly a very powerful one! B: Im not as optimistic as you. I would probably be scared stiff of it. Look at the damage it has done to the ! All those buildings that were once tall and firm, now just piles of dirt, imagine if you were buried under it! C: Well, I tnk that if I was one of the survivors, I would feel sad, because my place, my home, my haven, places that stores memories, will all be gone. It is depressing to see from even an outsiders view, so the pain will be almost, unbearible to me. A: Thats true. But tnk of it ts way, even though the houses are gone, we could always build new ones, and we could build our future together, after what weve been through, people have been helpful, and there is always hope. B: I dont see how we can rebuild ts place. I wouldnt want to go back again. It would be too frightning! What if theres another earthsuake? the grounds are not yet stable, what if those rocks falls down on me? I wont want to take the risk. 我先只写这一点哈~太长了又不知道是不是你想要的...如果是的话我把它写完啊..