一、CDBCDBDCADDCAAB二、 1. Eight. 2. Theearth. 3. The galaxy. 4. It is too large to imagine. 三、 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 四、 1. There has been life 2. so wonderful that I have seen it 3. I don’t think there is life 4. has an environment like that 5. It’s impossible toimagine
世纪商务英语听说教程基础篇test 1答案
一、CDBCDBDCADDCAAB二、 1. Eight. 2. Theearth. 3. The galaxy. 4. It is too large to imagine. 三、 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E四、 1. There has been life 2. so wonderful that I have seen it 3. I don’t think there is life 4. has an environment like that 5. It’s impossible toimagine