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a/c: account(帐户)的缩写(“Re. the American a/c, …(关于美国帐户...)”) AGM*: annual general meeting(年会)的缩写(“TBD at next AGM in March(在三月份的下一次年会上待定)”,发音为 “ay-gee-em”)

AOB: any other business(任何其他事务)的缩写(通常用在会议日程的末尾) approx.: approximately(大约)的缩写(“Delivery takes approx. 4 days.(大约需要 4 天时间交付。)”)

asap*: as soon as possible(尽快)的缩写(“Pls do this asap(请尽快开始)”,发音为 “ay-ess-ay-pee”)

asst: assortment(花色)的缩写(“Please send asst of products.(请发来产品的花色。)”)

atm: at the moment (此时)的缩写(“Can’t decide atm - will let you know.(此时无法决定,以后再告诉您。)”)

attn: for the attention of(收阅人)的缩写(写在信件/传真等的顶部: “attn:(收阅人:) Mr Jones(琼斯先生)”)

b/c: because(因为)的缩写(“Have to cancel meeting b/c Mr Jones is unwell.(因为琼斯先生不舒服,不得不取消会议。)”)

btw: by the way(顺便提一下)的缩写(“Btw, how was your holiday?(顺便问一下,您的假期过得如何?)”)

cc*: copy to(抄送)的缩写(“I’ll put him on cc(我将抄送给他)”,发音为 “see-see”) cd: could(可以)的缩写(“Cd you please get in touch with our sales dept?(您可以与我们的销售部联系吗?)”)

CEO*: chief executive officer(首席执行官)的缩写(“She’s our CEO(她是我们的首席执行官)”,发音为 “see-ee-oh”) cf” compare with(与...相比较)的缩写(“Cf January orders.(与一月的订单相比较。)”)

CIO*: chief information officer(首席信息官)的缩写(“Mr Jones is our CIO(琼斯先生是我们的首席信息官)”,发音为 “see-eye-oh”)

c/o: care of(由...转交)的缩写(通常写在地址上面。)