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A:today we will discuss about the major social problems existing in our country and the causes of the social problems. I  am appreciate your coming.
B:My pleasure.
C:I am glad to attend such a meaning seminar.
D:Me too.
A:That is fine.Given that it is too sensitive to fuss about the problems, that is the end. Still, thanks for your interest.


A:Hey, Do you know what day is today?
Of course, I think almost the whole world knows it, today is South Africa's World Cup opening day.
Yeah, what a excited day! Which team do you think have the highest chance to win?
uh.. My favorite team is Holland,I like their frenzied attack, and their uniform color fascinated me.
对啊 那你最喜欢的球队呢?
Right, how about your favorite team?
我最看好阿根廷,他们的锋线球员的进攻才算疯狂,梅西 阿奎罗 伊瓜因 迭戈米利托 哦 他们还有一个更加疯狂的教练 马拉多纳 我很期待他们在南非世界杯上的表演
I am looking for Argentina, their front line player's attach is consider to be frenzied, Messi Arguello Higuain DiegoMilito. Oh, and they have a much more crazy coach, Maradona. I am looking forward to their show in the South Africa's World Cup.
呵呵 好吧 那我们就看一下哪知球队能走的更远吧 不过 享受世界杯才是最重要的
Haha, Okay, Let's see which team can go further than others. But, enjoy the World Cup is most important.
对 尤其是看的时候来一杯啤酒 哈哈
Right, especially watch with a glass of beer on hand. Haha