perrla eomi BMP不知道Paxil帕罗西汀Wellbutrinorganomegaly脏器肿大半侧颜面萎缩症(Romberg’s综合症)bariatric肥胖症depakote二丙戊酸钠 二丙戊酸 pretibial myxebema胫前粘液性水肿CBC加拿大广播公司Microalbumin 微量白蛋白( 尿液 )
bariatricThe branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesityCBC:Complete Blood CountThe determination of the quantity of each type of blood cell in a given sample of blood, often including the amount of hemoglobin, the hematocrit, and the proportions of various white cells. Also called blood profile. 完全血样统计