(男子) man
(男性) menfolk
(口) (丈夫) husband
我是客人中唯一的男人,感到有些不得劲。 I was the only
man among the guests and felt rather awkward. 改
不能强迫她与她不喜欢的男人成婚。Don’t force her into a distasteful marriage.
你要是个男人,出去打抱不平。 If you were a
man, you could go out and right wrongs.
有个男人定时来收废品。A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.
穿灰色衣服的男人a man dressed in gray
他们认为男人不工作是件可耻的事。They think it a shame for a man not to work.
她是个吸引男人的人。She is an attractive person.
那个狠心的男人舍弃了妻小。The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.
这个女孩子没结婚就与一个男人同居。The girl has cohabited with a man without being married.
男人玩弄女人的情感是不对的。 It is wrong
for a man to play with a woman’s affections.
她穿着男人的衣服隐瞒自己的真实性别。She disguised her true sex under a man’s garment.
一脸凶相的男人a man of ferocious features
那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻新欢。The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for
another woman.
她装扮成男人。She was attired as a man.
女人比男人有耐力。Women have greater endurance than men.
那男人对她冷笑了一声。The man sneered at her.
村里的男人们都到外地挣钱去了。All the male villagers have gone somewhere else to earn
男人不坏,女人不爱women love bad guys
男人膝下有黄金lit. the man has gold under his knees; fig. a man who does
not easily kneel in front of others (owing to pride or moral integrity)