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[1]Oxford,RL.language learning Strategies:What Every Teacher Should Know [M].Newbury House /Harper Collins,NY,1990.
[2]Andrew D.Cohen.Strategies in Learning and using a Second language [J].Foreign Language Teacning and Research Press,2000.10.
[3]Rod Ellis.Understanding Second Language Acquisition [M].Shanghai Foreign Education Press,2004.5.
[4]Oxford RL.Employing a questionnaire to assess the use of Language Learning Strategies.Applied Language Learning,1996a,7(1-2)25-45.


Government regulations
In the United States, some electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[1] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers’e68a84e799bee5baa631333238653336 personal information.[2] As result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC.