教学: a:! how are you today? b:i m fine! thank you. how are you? a:fine thank you! right! i tnk we should give the student more work to do so they can remember what they did obviously they can get a better results! b:but i tnk you are wrong! becuase every one dont like to do lots works you have to catch the main point and let the student remember it so they can do any suestions in that type! a:i tnk you are right! thank you ! you give me a better idea! b:no problem! you ca come and find me at any time. i'm mor than welcome! 看电影 a:! would you like to go to cinema with me? don't you tnk it cool watcng film in the cinema than at home? b:no i dont tnk so! if you go to cinema right you have to spend money to watch a film. i it looks good but you still can found it in the internet. the film might be suicker on the internet than the cinema so why you have to spend that money on ts boring tng? dont you tnk so? a: but still it give you different feel if you are at the cinema! b:o well you can turn the light off when you watch a film at home and buy some popcorn,cola with it! same! a:ok then! i'll see at home! see you later! b:see you! 探索宇宙 这个我不怎么知道! 我还没有学这一类的! 但你可以在网上找一些资料给我 我想我可以帮你翻译! 女性不公平待遇 a: do you what? women always gets sometng lower than man. i doont why? is it every country like that? or just cna? b:i tnk it not only cna! some asia country those that is well.like japen korea! guesse what? japen's man is like the king! women is like slave man can do every tng but women cant! a:that not fair! b: i it! but uk is not like that they just have wrong way round with japen! i tnk it might be becuase of uk have sueen! in uk if a couple was divorce women can get 0% of her man's money! i tnk every country's culture are diffenent so ts is why some country man are king but some country women are king. becuase they different. a:o yes! i see! b:ok ! 离婚等话题 这些我也还是不懂! 对不起了!嗯 顺便提一下 我目前上的abc天丅英语中心的导师要我明白 若想学会英语是不难的 一定需要个恰当的学习环境与闇练口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验 口语纯正非常重要,持续每日练习口语 1 on 1针对性教学才能有更.好.的学习成效!完成课堂后仍要回放复习课后录音反馈,更可以加深印象!然后要是真的没有人可以指导的状况下,只能到 voa或大耳朵获得课余教材研习,多说多问短时间语境会提高起来,学习成效是必定突飞猛进的; 希望这些可以让你满意!