可以上新东方的商务口语课程,因为商务口语课程会教你求职基本功:求职信啊,商务信函啊,面试英语啊,还会有六大核心商务概念和口语表达内容,而他们是中英文授课的呢~ 你四级通过的话,可以读啦~~~ 如果再觉得不放心的话,上下听说特训中级或者听说读写飞跃班再读个商务口语课程会在你求职的时候祝你一臂之力的哦~~~ 而且六级的话,其实建议也好好准备,毕竟快毕业了,六级考试的次数也不多了,也就一到两次了,好好把握呢~ 有时间的话可以同时参加六级一对一课程,六级出来的话再加上流利的商务类口语和技巧,一定可以增加不少求职胜算的哦~~~~ 加油呢~~
As a foreign trade staff, I have some basic experiences, for example: making relevant sales confirmation, invoice, packing list and so on.
Knowing the basic process of following up the orders, for example, arrange the factory to make the sample, color card,pps, ps and then send them seperately to customers. also we need to deal with some unexpected issues about the products and other important things.