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过去时态分为四种,分别是过去一般时态(past simple)、过去进行时态(past continuous)、过去完成时态(past perfect)、过去完成进行时态(past perfect continuous)。

一、过去一般时态(past simple)




He was my client. 昨天他可能和别人签了合同(改变出现)

My dog always barked if he heard any strange sounds. 狗死了(改变出现)

Cathy was a beautiful girl. Cathy在一次火灾中毁容了(改变出现)

I went to school by bus in the past few years. 由于公交线路调整,坐公交不方便了,只能开车(改变出现)

The mall opened at 8 am and closed at 9 pm in the past few years. 由于新冠肺炎疫情的影响,原有的营业时间发生的改变


I didn't tell you… 我刚忘了告诉你…

Mary did not go to work yesterday.

I was at work yesterday.

I did what I should do.

Who knew it can go on for weeks. 之前谁知道,这事会持续几周啊

Don't say I said anything. Let her bring it up. 不要说我曾说过任何事。让她自己提出来这事

You said to me that you would do anything to take my pain away.

We tried to call you at home. 打电话给在家的你。

They got how to do what they're doing with me. 他们掌握了如何和我一起(彼此配合)做他们正在做的事


If he worked hard, he will get a high score. 如果他真的努力过 (在过去的某段时间他真的努力过,但最近有所放松),他一定会取得好成绩。(will表示接近100%的可能性)

If he works hard, he will get a high score. 如果他真的努力了 (一直都很努力),他一定会取得好成绩。

He said that if he worked hard, he would get a high score. 该句与上句意思一样,只不过这是一种转述,我转述他的话,说:“他说过,如果他真的一直很努力,他一定会取得好成绩”)

If he works hard, he would get a high score. 真实条件(would表示50%的可能性。will和would都是情态动词,would的可能性比will小)

The volleyball match will be put off if it rains. 假设条件,但不与事实相反 也并非【主将从现】


If he worked hard, he would get a high score. 虚拟语气(与现在的事实相反,现在的事实是他经常不努力)

You're going to wish your way out were so easy. 你现在还奢望你能全身而退,那是不可能的。虚拟语气(与现在的事实相反,现在的事实是你出去的路几乎都被封死了)

I would be excited about the challenge if I received the position. 虚拟语气(与将来的事实相反,将来的事实是企业发offer这事是由企业决定的,我主观是改变不了)

二、过去进行时态(past continuous)



Just as I was leaving the house,the telephone rang. 我正打算出门,电话响了

Where were you going? 你打算去哪儿?

Henry were going out with Mary. 正打算出去

I were taking the bus to work last month. 上个月我本打算乘坐公交去上班


This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike. 

Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon?

While we were having breakfast, John was talking on the telephone.我们吃早饭的时候,约翰在打电话。

He was giving me a hard time. 在过去持续一段时间

He was always complaining in class. 

I was working in the garden all day yesterday. 


I was not paying attention this morning. I walked out of my house and I stepped in a huge puddle. 

He broke his leg when he was playing football. 他踢足球的时候把腿伤了。

She was reading when he called. 她正在看书,他打电话来了。

You weren't expecting to, and you got something out of it. 你过去一直也没指望过什么,但你却从中得到了点什么


If you was leaving tomorrow, you would totally miss your opportunities. 虚拟语气(与将来的事实相反,将来的事实是她99%是会离开,因为机票已定好,而且目的地还有重要的事等着她)

If you were taking an exam, you would all fail. 如果你们现在就参加考试,你们所有人都将不及格

三、过去完成时态(past perfect)


1、动作的开始与结束都在另一个过去的动作之前。故多用于间接引语【indirect reported speech】

Sorry, I thought I had turned it off. 我以为我把它关机了。

He told us that the train had left.

I thought I had met her before, but I was wrong.

He explained that he had closed the window because of the rain.

I wondered if I had been there before.

I asked them why they had not finished.

Yesterday I rode the bus to school, but the day before I had walked to school. the day before yesterday 前天(省略了yesterday)

I was watching TV because I had finished my homework already.

We hadn't gotten that far yet. 我们之前还没聊那么远(省略了过去聊天的那个时间点)


If I had married someone before you graduated, would you hate me? (实际上没嫁给别人,只是虚拟)

They might have found a better hotel if they had driven a few more kilometers. (他们实际上已经在很差的酒店住下来)

If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now. (实际上昨天你没询问他)

If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car. 实际上我没赢得这一期的彩票

He said that if he won the lottery, he would buy a car. 非虚拟而是间接引语【indirect reported speech】(真实条件句,主体身在现在,描述过去的事情)

四、过去完成进行时态(past perfect continuous)



I had been walking to school every day, but then the weather turned cold. 天气变冷之前,每天都步行上学(重复多次)

She had been finishing her homework on time all month, but then she caught a cold and missed school. 一整个月都是按时完成作业(重复多次)

2、与过去完成时相比,动作持续到了过去某一时点,也有可能没持续到过去某一时点但对其有影响 。

We had been waiting for him for about an hour by the time he came.

He said that he had been reading for the whole morning. 持续一段时间


If he had been working on this project yesterday, he would have already gotten it done. 昨天如果他就努力做这个项目,那可能早已经搞定了(实际上他没做这个项目)

If you had been hitting on her before her husband came back, she would have called the police. 如果在她丈夫回来之前,你搭讪她,她可能会报警(实际上你没搭讪她)