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英语作文乐观的含义? 保持安静 英语作文?



Do you see the glass as half-full rather than all empty? The two different answers to this question represent two different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.

  Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure.

  That's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways.

  When things go wrong,the pessimist tends to blame himself, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his overall life.

  If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly.

  He doesn't seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.

  Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives.

  If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.

二、保持安静 英语作文?

Can I take your attention?Please keep quiet.I would like to tell you a big news.


Gradually into the high three life, study pressure us more and more big, everyone in the utmost efforts to improve their score。Some people stay up late, even at the cost of consuming the body to seize the time to learn。We all know this is wrong, The high pressure of increasingly intense study life, we have to treat it with positive attitude,

First of all, to learn confidence. Confidence is a prerequisite for success, is the secret of happiness. But the confidence, to the front of the difficulties and frustrations remain optimistic,

and want to find ways toovercome difficulties and setbacks。

Find the correct study method。Law of learning。

This way, we can keep a good state。





  白居易曾经说过: 乐人之乐,人亦乐其乐;忧人之忧,人亦忧其忧。 乐观和悲观是两种完全不同的人生态度, 一个拥有乐观心态的人,才有可能踏上成功的道路。给一张白纸,上面有一个黑点。乐观的人看见的,是一张洁白的纸;而悲观的人看见的,这是一个小小的黑点。两种人生观,就会有两种不同的生活。  

  在生活中,我也是一个颇为乐观的人。有时候,看到想到的,第一个就是“太好了”或“very good”等诸如此类的感叹。或许结果与我预料中发的不同,但是我曾经开心过,感叹过,这不就是一个很好的收获吗?不要想你损失了多少,只要想你得到了多少!  













If you are not smart enough, you must be confident enough, if not pretty, you must learn to dress yourself.

When a man tells you to break up, don't show any pain, be sure to smile and say: Thank you, I have been waiting for these words for a long time. Then turned and left without looking back.

Never just revolve around the man you like, even if you love him to death.

There can be a craziness in the relationship, such as looking for a person's death or life or visiting him from a long distance. Women who have experience will be more calm and mature.

When you are alone, you must have a rich and wonderful life, not to show it to anyone, but to make your limited youth more exciting.

You need to be good at makeup, but you don’t need to wear makeup every day. The purpose of leaving one hand is to surprise people.

Good skin is more important than appearance, so learn how to maintain and take care of it.

Don't show disdain and jealousy of other beauties in public. There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women.

Learn to sing a few nice songs, preferably a lullaby. Occasionally, you can hum to yourself, and your mood will improve.

There should be a short-term life goal, so that you will not be bored, study or work, limited to 1 and 2 years.

Learn some talents in my spare time, such as piano, dancing or cooking.

Cultivate several small hobbies that suit you, such as drinking tea, reading books, painting, and listening to the blues.

Travel when you have time to relax and see your chances of an amorous encounter.

Learn to say thank you, thank you, and sorry for your hard work. Apologize promptly for wrong things.

If you have time, go learn yoga or taekwondo. The former can relax your mind and body, and the latter can defend yourself.

If a man who once liked you but is now married says to you: He can't forget you, you are always his favorite person. Please calmly tell him: Live like a man. By doing this, you respected the three people including yourself.

A kind woman will become a landscape. Think about others in public, especially treat the elderly and children kindly.


1. 保持乐观和开朗的情绪可以带来很多好处,比如,可以增强身心健康、提高工作效率、改善人际关系、增加自信心等等。2. 每个人都有遇到困难和挫折的时候,但是我们可以通过积极乐观的态度来面对这些困难。比如,对于一些失败和挫折,我们可以将其视为学习和成长的机会,从中吸取经验和教训,积累更多的知识和技能。3. 同时,保持乐观和开朗的情绪也需要我们保持心态平衡,不过度悲观、焦虑和担忧。这样我们才能更好地体验生活,享受生命中的美好时刻。


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。


The greatest trust is trust yourself, trust yourself than to trust others more difficult,. Maybe someone would say: trust is a be an easy job to matter, is not lift a finger."! What I'm trying to say... You're wrong. The trust is to their own dedication to others and sure.

  In daily life, we can see everywhere on the " trust" for example. People taking a blind man across the street, the teacher to teach students knowledge, the parents of a child's education ... ... Prior to participating in social practice at the time, I remember clearly the instructor teaches us" trust fall " of the game, to which it is to be what is the significance of trust. Through this activity, let the class together, learn together and trust. When we trust others also have to believe in yourself, the master of your own fate.

  As the saying goes: no bullies oneself, do not deceive, do not bully day, a gentleman so shendu. If there is no trust is present, then each other speculation, the lack of the so-called