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Fast Food

Fast food is becoming more and more popular across China these days.It is estimated that Beijing has more than 100 branches of McDonald's and KFC,two of the biggest fast food restaurants int the world.

Why do Chinese people enjoy fast food so much?For one thing,as its name suggests,people order fast food because they can get it quickly.If you have ordered a Peking Duck,normally you have to wait about 20 minutes or even longer.But you can have you fast food ready within a minute!Another thing that people like about fast food is the restaurant's easy environment and American style.Some Chinese think that they can get a glimpse of American through fast food restaurant.

Nevertheless,I think taht fast food does have its disadvantages.Though it tastes good,fast food generally contains little nutrition.If you want to be healthy,do not go to fast food restaurants too often.


A review of "The Smurfs"

It is sunny today. I am excited, It’s not because of the nice weather but “The Smurfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are grandiose and magnificent. I think it's a successful motivation. Time goes fast! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !


The role of the hotel are:

1. Tourists a base for tourism activities

2. The creation of tourism revenue

3. For the community to create employment opportunities for

4. The promotion of social consumption patterns and the development of and changes in consumption structure

5. Stimulate the development of

6. Hotel Development level is the level of tourism development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark









今天我们准备去淄博博纳电影城去看《熊出没之夺宝熊兵》。淄博博纳电影城就在茂业天地的八楼。我和钟楚祥一起在茂业天地的八楼,也就是淄博博纳电影城见。   我们买好了票和爆米花一起去看电影。电影的主要内容是光头强去伐木,李老板给他的新型伐木工具的箱子和绑匪装嘟嘟的箱子混在一起了。光头强发现了嘟嘟,但是嘟嘟太顽皮,她把光头强家弄得一团糟,光头强想把嘟嘟送到公安局,警察以为嘟嘟是被光头强绑架的。光头强差一点就被警察抓了。然后回到家里光头强决定暂时养嘟嘟。光头强去买给他买尿布、奶粉……回去的时候又被警察碰到了。等他躲过警察,回到家的时候嘟嘟不见了。他认为是熊大熊二拐走了嘟嘟。然后他拿着枪去找熊大熊二最后和熊大熊二争抢嘟嘟的时候。忽然光头强发现了嘟嘟发高烧了,这时熊大熊二和光头强联手逗嘟嘟玩,经过一天的努力终于退烧了。光头强的飞行器也做好了。在他们飞的时候他遇到了绑匪。最终光头强和嘟嘟还是都抓走了。熊大熊二成功的进入了绑匪的基地并救出了嘟嘟和光头强,绑匪的老板也绳之以法。最后嘟嘟、熊大熊二一起来陪光头强过年。   这个故事告诉我们要有爱心、与伙伴们做事要团结、做事不要太自私。


"Bear haunt" the Huaqiang Digital Animation Co., Ltd. produced 104 episodes cartoon. The film tells the way with exaggerated cartoon bear brothers forest protection and destruction of forests, harvesting timber, and the occupation of land development venture staged experimental fields between the scenes funny bald strong duel.


Recently,I watched a cartoon,called "bear",I feel very meaningful,because this cartoon teaches us to protect forests,don't cut the trees.There are three protagonistsare the "bear","the two bears" and "head",the bald strong a lumberjack,looks like Zhao Benshan.


Nowadays, a large number of students show great interest in school activities.In their eyes, learning from books is not the sole task of their school career.They also wish to take every chance to obtain practical knowledge.Additionally


In the eyes of many people, takeout is not healthy, but there are still many people to buy, that is because takeout is more convenient and fast


She is known for creating food and handicraft preparation videos in her hometown of rural Sichuan, often from basic ingredients and tools using traditional Chinese techniques.