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from-desk??是否是front desk 前台以这三个问题为中心,写一个3人 开会讨论 对话:John: Anny, is there any problems you want us to dicuss for this meeting? Anny: Yes, John, there are 3 points I am ready to say: first, some staff often arrive at the office late and leave early for their work. Second, about the telephone and e-mail systems, there are some staff often use them for personal matters rather than for company bussiness. Third, in all the bank's branches, we need to renote all high staff forbid to turn over their keys from desk cashiers. ....要吃饭了,没写完,sorry 刚回来呵,...John: ok, Anny, thanks for your collection, and Mr.Lee --you as the manager from Sanxiang town branch, did you get any useful method to handle with such problems? pls show us.Mr.Lee: ok, in my opinion, first, we are ready to adopt new techniques for all staff to punch the time clock. The new system will record the in and out time exactly by their finger mark. The guys who late for work or leave work early, will be imposed a fine. To the second problem, companies now can buy aservice that automatically analyses phone calls made by office staff, figures out which arefor business and which are personal, and delivers a monthly list of repeat offenders directly to top management. At the last point, there will make a new item into the company rule: all high staff who own desk cashiers' keys is forbidden to pass another guy without formal application to their direct managers. So, above is for your consideration, and welcome for any good advices from you and other staff. ThanksJohn: Do a good job, Mr.Lee, fine, Anny pls mark down Mr.Lee's points and dicuss with other managers from different branches, then tell me the result. Anny: Ok now, I had marked it. And thank you for Mr.Lee.John: fine, that's all. Nice day~