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Hi, what's up? 

Nothing much. What about you? 

So so. 


Can I take your order now? 

Yes,  please.  I would like beef noodle. A cup of coke. 


 1. A: Excuse me, is a library nearby?

  B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office.

  A: Thank you very much.

  B: You are welcome.


 2. Michael: Hi,Susan!

  Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today?

  Michael: Very well. How are you?

  Susan: So so.

  Michael: What's wrong?

  Susan: I have a sore throat.





Hi,can you help me? I need new clothes for my vacation!


I need a short ,red dress and big, black boots.

Need something else?

No,  thank you. Bye!

Bye,  See you!


English conversation for shopping.

Shop assistant: Hello customer, how can I help you?

Customer: Hello, I'm looking for a winter coat.

Shop assistant: We have a lot of new models, please come and have a look. What style do you like?

Customer: I would like a camel colour, not too long, just warm.

Shopper: Take a look at this one, it's just the right coat for you. It's only $200 and we'll give you a free belt if you get a membership today.

Customer: Well, that's a good one, so please give me an average size, I'll check out and get another membership card.

Shopper: Thank you for your patronage.

五、how much is 英语口语情景对话?

how.much特殊疑问词引导特殊疑问句。对价格提问,例如how much is it它多少钱how much are they他们多少钱

good afternoon.Can I help you.

good afternoon.Five apples,please.

Here you are.

Thank you.How much are they

Five yuan,please.



Lili:Jack,how to improve my spoken English?

Jack:Lili,there is no shortcut,you should open your mouth and speak English loudly everyday.

Lili:thanks,I got it.


1.A: Would Dr. Block be able to see me at 9:30 tomorrow?

B: I’m sorry, but she won’t have any openings until 11:00, unless there’s a cancellation.

A: Would 1:00 be convenient?

B: Yes, she’s free then.

2.A: I wonder if the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow?

B: I’m afraid there’s nothing availavle before noon.

A: How about 12:45?

B: Sorry, but she’s busy then too.

3.A: I’d like to make an appointment with Professor Smith. Would 9:00 tomorrow be all right?

B: I’m afraid not. She doesn’t have any openings in the morning.

A: Could I possibly make it early in the afternoon?

B: Nol That’s not good either. But give me your number and I’ll call you if somebody cancels.


英语口语对话常用句式很多,如 how are you? fine,thanks.and you? i am fine ,too.thanks so much. what do you think of our english teacher. i think she is beautiful and humoros.


Mike.I hate to say this,But you radio is going to loud。

Oh.I am sorry.I will turn it down right now.




A:ごめんください 打扰了 B:はい だれですか 是谁啊 A:Aです 是A B:ああ Aさん いらっしゃい 啊,是A啊 欢迎 A:こんにちは 你好 B:こんにちは どうぞ お入りください 你好 快请进 A:はい では 失礼します 打扰了 B:どうぞ おかけください 请 A:ありがとうございます 谢谢 B:お茶をどうぞ 请喝茶 A:昨日は学校が始まりました 昨天开始上学了 B:夏休みはどうでしたか どこかへいきましたか 暑假过的怎么样,去哪玩了 A:とても楽しかったです ちんたお(青岛)へ行きました 很快乐, 去了青岛 B:これは家族(かぞく)の写真(しゃしん)ですか 这个是家人的照片吧 A:そうですね 両亲(りょうしん)と兄(あに)、姉(あね)とわたし 是的,父母 兄长 姐姐和我 B:大家族(だいかぞく)ですね 真是个大家庭啊