1. Can you tel Im e about your
educa tion backg round ? Pleas e refer
to an Maste r' s self-intro ducti on in
Part One of this book.实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间、最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情讶。谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。
2.What is aclas sific ation socie ty?What is the purpo se of class ifica tio n
surve y? Pleas el ist some famou s class ifica tion socie ties in the world .A class ifica tion socie ty is usual ly an indep
enden torga nizat ion that carri es out
class ifica tion surve ys, statu tory
surve ys,surve ys relat ed t o notar ial
matte rs for ships , offsh ore insta l lati
ons,marin efrei ght conta iners ,mater ials and marin equip ment. It also provi des safety mana gemen t certi ficat ion servi ces to shipp ing compa nies and their ships. Thepu rpose of class ifica tion surve y is to evalu ate the situa tion of a ship
and thema nagem ent of a compa ny
and its ship. Some of the famo u s class
ifica tion socie ties are: NK(Japan ese
日本海事协会),CCS(Chine se class ifica
tion socie ty),ABS(Ameri can),
DNV(Norwe gian),SL(Briti shLlo yd英
国劳氏),GL(Germa n Lloyd 德国劳氏),
KR(Korea n),RINA(意大利船级社)。
3.Can you talk about the previ ous
vesse ls worke d on board ? Pleas e re
fer to an maste r' sself -intro ducti on in
Part One of this book.实事求是,若没有