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Asis known to us all, the surrounding has a great impact on our study and lives.In recent years, creating a green campus has been a common and popular goal formost universities or colleges. Creating a green campus has a great influence onstudents because most students spend their much time in campus.


  However,in my opinion, to create green campus, what we need to do is not only to plantmore trees and grasses to beautify our campus’s environment but also to createan energy-efficient and resource-cycled campus. Everyone on campus should beinformed to form the habit of using resources properly and saving energy. Inaddition, the institutions should encourage students to use resourcescircularly.


  Ina word, creating a green campus needs us to make joint efforts. And we canachieve it by doing pieces of small matters in daily life, such as turning offthe light when leaving.


1 平安校园标语:共建和谐校园,共享平安成长2 这个标语明确传达了共建和谐校园和共享平安成长的目标和理念3 在现代社会,校园安全问题备受关注,学校需要创造一个安全、和谐的学习环境。这个标语强调了学校和学生共同努力,共同建设和谐校园的重要性。同时,标语也强调了平安成长的重要性,鼓励学生们共同参与校园安全事务,共享平安成长的机会和福祉。这个标语不仅能够提醒学生们关注校园安全,还能够激发他们的责任感和参与意识,促进校园的和谐发展。


这属于“口号”性质的翻译,不能写成不完整的句子,平铺直叙也不合适。我的建议是:Together we shall establish harmony on campus.establish 可用 accomplish 或 achieve 替换,意思略有出入但表达出了决心。


Finding jobs is the problem that everyone has to meet when they graduate from university. With the increasing difficulty of finding jobs for graduates, this problem becomes more and more serious. So, there are more and more people start to run a company. Actually, running a company has many advantages.

  First of all, running a company can release the employment stress. From the general aspect, the more students run companies, the less stress of employment pressure will be. As a part of students can solve their employment problem by themselves, the society will have fewer students to take up the limited positions. From personal aspect, if a student can solve their problem by running a company, he doesn’t need to stand the stress from finding no jobs.

 Secondly, running a company can help student grow up quickly. Nowadays, graduates are very pure in school. They don’t experience too much before they enter the society. However, they must experience a lot when running companies. Most of those things are not learned in school. And that can help them grow up quickly. It is good for them.

  To sum up, running a company has many advantages. It is not only benefiting for students themselves, but also for the society. I think our society should encourage students running companies.








1. 珍爱生命,关注安全,共创平安校园。2. 生命无价,平安是福,让我们一起努力,共创和谐校园。3. 平安校园,从我做起,珍爱生命,共创美好未来。4. 校园安全,人人有责,珍爱生命,共筑平安家园。5. 珍爱生命,注重安全,共同建设和谐平安的校园环境。6. 关注生命,注重安全,建设平安校园,从我做起。7. 生命宝贵,安全第一,让我们携手共创平安校园。8. 珍爱生命,增强安全意识,共创温馨平安的校园。9. 平安校园,珍爱生命,人人参与,共建和谐学习环境。10. 生命无小事,安全责任重,珍爱生命,共创平安校园。


Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.


Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus

As the society advances, it is essential for us college students to get to know the world outside the campus. Firstly, enlarges our scope of knowledge. Secondly, it prepares us for entering the society. Finally, it makes us more aware of our duty as college students and thus stimulates us to work harder.

There are many ways for us to know the outside world. To begin with, we can watch TV, read newspapers or listen to radio. In this way, we can keep ourselves well-informed of what is going on home and abroad. Nest, we can take part in such social practices as conducting a survey and participating in community projects. These will reward us with much experience. With which we will serve the society better when we enter it .

As a college student in the modern age, I will get myself out of the ivory tower and into the real world. On one hand, I will read more frequently the newspaper so as to keep myself abreast of current affairs. On the other, I plan to find a part-time job like being a tutor or a waiter. The fob will help me to know the society more directly.








