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我是酒店的一名大堂经理,平常的英语也只是达到简单的交流,也就够平时用,但是如果要是有 什么重要的外国客人入住,自己的这点英语口语就会显得有点匮乏了,导致有时候,都不知道客人的 需求,还要考揣测。最后想想还是报个班吧,但是又不知道报什么班,最后还是一位客人告诉我,说 现在的那个睿思博英语口语教程很不错,让我试一试,就上网查了一下,发现还真适合我这样既要快 速又要简便的学习的人,就立马买了一套,开始学习,每天就学上10分钟,先掌握外国人说话的方式 ,然后老师从语调上帮我解决,如果我有什么发音不准的,老师就会及时纠正,现在我已经学习一半 课程了,发现在工作中已经能轻松应付了,而且发现与他人的沟通能力也提高了,在工作中也能很容 易的了解到外国客人的需求,这真是多亏了睿思博,让我在最短的时间内拥有最丰富的涉交口语


R: Good morning/afternoon/evening,madam, how may I help you?
G: Hi, I booked a room under the name of Lily Bass, can you please check me in?
R: Sure, please hold on for a second.
I am sorry, madam, there is no Lily Bass. Do you have our hotel's confirmation letter?
G: No, they didn't give me the letter, but only a number.
R: The confirmation number also works, what is the number, please?
G: 232987.
R: Okay. A single room for Lisa Bass, Ms Lisa Bass?
G: Oh, shoot, they didn't hear me right, it is not Lisa, it is Lily.
R: Sorry for our mistake, I have changed the record for you.
G: Never mind. Here're my passport and credit card.
R: Thank you, just a moment.
Sorry for keep you waiting, your room is on the 12th floor, and here is your key.
G: Thanks!
R: You're welcome. Good night!