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Hedgehog YiMi Girl

When YiMi rushed into the home, her mother is in the kitchen. In school? Good? Mrs. Harris asked, and look forward to will have a as usual answer.

Very well, YiMi shouted, a woman told us the wild animals, and showed us a hedgehog. I want to be a hedgehog experts.

A hat? Mrs. Harris said.

A study of the hedgehog expert. A hedgehog understand all knowledge.

That's good, Mrs. Harris said, you need to go to the library to see if I can find some books.

Oh, dear mother, YiMi complained, I must go to consult peck Sir. Mr Peck is the children's librarian. He is a mean person who dislike, they live in YiMi next door.

When YiMi arrived, the library was almost empty. So she along the bookshelf, try to find the book about the hedgehog.

What are you doing? A man behind her harsh voice said.


Doohickey is a careless boy, Professor home what pattern 100, several room encumbered, professor is developing a robot, the robot is very capable, but because the Doohickey be negligent, put a piece of paper the wrong place, cause the robot to take Professor home at sixes and sevens, the funny thing is the paper, you heard of the wash the dinner, cook the dirty clother? The last professor let Doohickey put his house to clean. Alas! Poor Doohickey, for the moment be negligent, kill oneself want to redo the health






讲的是有一个老师总穿一条脏裤子,然而为了一次家长会老师换上了一条他很喜欢的新裤子和配套的新上衣。可是Derek在画画时不小心把绿颜料抹在了老师的裤子上,于是他和Janey决定偷偷把老师的裤子带回家洗干净,Derek又不小心将胶水当成洗衣粉抹在裤子上,后来他们只好决定拿去干洗店,到了干洗店才想起裤子落在公共汽车上了。他们又去公共汽车站找到了已成一团糟的裤子。不得已只好向老师坦白,刚要向老师说,老师却发现厨房着大火了,于是用自己的新上衣盖住了大火,这下两件配套衣服都脏了,老师要再买一件白的, Derek和 Janey建议买绿色的。

When Derek gets green stuff on Mr Srch's new white trousers, and Janey tries to help him clean it off, things go from bad to worse.

《典范英语》(Good English)原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英国学生学习母语的材料。《典范英语》(6-9)在《典范英语》(1-5)的基础上,从《牛津阅读树》中精选出64部适合我国中学生使用的作品,经过精心编辑而成。学生可以通过学习这些生动有趣而又极富内涵的作品在语言和心智两方面都得到发展。坚持一到两年,完成64部原文作品,学生的英语可以轻松过关,教师也会获得一种全新的体验和感受。