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考研英语口语优点? 介绍我最喜欢的城市英语口语?




1. 提高英语水平。参加口语考试可以锻炼听说能力,帮助提高英语口语水平,增加和外国人交流的信心和能力。

2. 提高综合素质。参加考研英语口语考试,不仅需要良好的英语水平,还需要较强的逻辑思维能力、文化素养、表达能力和应变能力等综合素质,通过参加口语考试可以全面提升这些素质。

3. 提高就业竞争力。良好的英语口语水平是很多企业用人的重要标准之一,通过考研英语口语考试可以提高自己的英语口语水平,从而增加在就业市场上的竞争力。

4. 增加学术研究的机会。英语口语能力的提高可以帮助申请国际研究项目、参加国际学术会议等,从而扩大学术研究的交流和合作机会。



My favorite city in the world is Auckland , New Zealand . It is one of the worlds best cities for living , also known as the " City of Sails ” and the Queen City .

There are many harbors , beaches , oceans and mountains , among which is the

famous Rangitoto volcano .

If you like history , you can visit the Auckland Museum , the Auckland War Memorial Museum , the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on . If you like shopping , then go to the Queen Street , Parnell Road , and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself .


This is my father .



Sure, here is an introduction to "舅舅" (uncle) in English conversation:1. "This is my uncle, John." - 这是我的舅舅,约翰。2. "My uncle is a doctor." - 我舅舅是一位医生。3. "Uncle David is very funny and always makes us laugh." - 大卫舅舅很幽默,总是让我们开心笑。4. "My uncle is a great cook and he makes the most delicious dishes." - 我舅舅是个厨艺高超的厨师,他做的菜最美味。5. "Uncle Peter loves playing basketball and is really good at it." - 彼得舅舅热爱打篮球,而且打得非常好。请注意,“舅舅”通常翻译为"uncle",但在某些情况下也可以用其他表达方式,如"mom's brother"(妈妈的兄弟)或者"dad's brother"(爸爸的兄弟)。


The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. 

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. Most people will have a week off , thus, this time is known as golden week.






Hotpot generally refers to the cooking method of taking the pot as the utensil, using the heat source to burn the pot, and boiling all kinds of food with water or soup.


It is characterized by cooking while eating, or the pot itself has the effect of heat preservation. When eating, the food is still steaming hot and the soup is in one.


There are similar dishes all over the world, but they are especially popular in East Asia.


Hot pot is hot, spicy, salty and fresh, oily but not greasy. It is suitable for mountain climate.


Add different soups and food according to your preference. It's suitable for young and old people to have salty food. It's a good product in winter.


您好,1. 遮光:窗帘能够有效地阻挡阳光,使室内保持一定的光线强度,提供舒适的视觉感受。

2. 隔热:窗帘可以阻挡室外的热量进入室内,有效地降低室内温度,减少空调使用频率,节省能源。

3. 隔音:窗帘可以吸收外部噪音,减少室内噪声,提供安静的居住环境。

4. 装饰:窗帘是室内装饰的重要组成部分,可以通过不同的颜色、材质、样式等搭配,增加房间的美观度和个性化。

5. 隐私保护:窗帘可以遮挡窗户,保护家庭成员的隐私,防止外部人员偷窥。

6. 空气净化:某些窗帘材质具有过滤空气的作用,可以吸附空气中的灰尘、细菌等,提高室内空气质量。

7. 安全性:窗帘可以避免室内家具、地板等被阳光直射,延长室内物品的使用寿命,同时避免阳光照射引起的安全隐患。


1. 自我介绍:Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is ___. I'm a ___ (职位) at the ___ (部门) department. I'm responsible for ___ (工作职责).

2. 介绍公司:Our company is ___ (公司名称), located in ___ (地址). We are a leading company in the field of ___ (业务领域). We have about ___ employees across ___ locations. Our mission is to ___ (公司目标/产品/服务).

3. 询问同事需求:How can I help you? Do you need any assistance? Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

4. 请同事帮忙:Would you please help me ___ (需求)? I'd appreciate your help with ___ (需要帮助的事项). If you have time, I was hoping you could ___ (要求).

5. 会议开场白:Thank you all for coming. The goal of this meeting is to ___ (会议目的). First, let's welcome our guests ___. Agenda for today: ___(议题1), ___(议题2), ___(议题3)...Let's get started, shall we?

6. 电话英语:This is ___ (你的名字) from ___(公司名称). May I speak to ___ (联系人姓名)? I'm calling to check on the status of ___ (事项). Please call me back at your convenience. My phone number is ___.

7. 日常问候:Good morning/afternoon, everyone! How's everything going? Have a nice day! See you around. Let's cat1�达,职场交流更加顺畅。

