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人民教育出版社 (百度搜) 里面有小学初中高中所有功课的电子课本。


深圳牛津版: Unit 5 Reading Towards evening, we landed on an unknown planet. Lam, our pilot, brought us to a cave. We went through it. Everything inside was huge. 'Let's get out of here,'Peters, our navigator, said.'It's a monster's home.' 'Maybe he is friendly,' I said. 'We'll wait.' Suddenly, the door opened and a monster came in with some kangaroos. The kangeroos shouted, 'Good night, Gork.' and then jumped away. Then Gork saw us and roared, 'Aliens! Aliens in my cave! How did you get in here?' I thought fast, and said quietly,' Good evening, Mr Gork. My name is Nobody and...' Gork roared again,' You are aliens. We kill all aliens here. Tomorrow, you're going to die! All of you.' Then he pressed a button on the wall. Steel has appeared from the ground round us and closed over our heads. 'Well, Captain,' Lam asked,'Why did you call yourself Nobody? 'It's my plan. You'll see,' I replied. I turned to Gork and said,'We come in peace, Mr Gork.' 'But tomorrow you'll be in pieces,' Gork said. Peters turned towards me, and his voice shook,'We're all going to die, sir.' 'No,' I said. 'We're all going to live! Trust me!'


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