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1. 简单现在时:主语+动词原形(第三人称单数变为动词原形+s/es)例句:I love pizza. (我喜欢披萨。)He studies English every day. (他每天学习英语。)

2. 简单过去时:主语+动词过去式例句:I walked to school yesterday. (昨天我走路去上学了。)She played tennis last weekend. (上个周末她打网球了。)

3. 简单将来时:主语+will/shall+动词原形例句:We will visit our grandparents next weekend. (我们下个周末要去看望祖父母。)He shall call you later today. (他今天晚些时候会给你打电话。)

4. 现在进行时:主语+be动词+动词-ing例句:I am watching a movie right now. (我正在看电影。)They are playing basketball in the park at the moment.(他们此刻正在公园里打篮球。)

5. 过去进行时:主语+was/were+动词-ing例句:I was reading a book when he called me yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午他给我打电话的时候,我正在看书。)They were walking in the rain when I saw them last night.(昨晚我见到他们的时候,他们正走在雨中。)

6. 将来进行时:主语+will be+动词-ing例句:This time next week, we will be sitting on the beach sipping cocktails!(下周这个时间点,我们将坐在沙滩上品尝鸡尾酒!)He will be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive tomorrow morning.(你明天早上到达机场的时候,他会在那里等你。)

7. 现在完成时: 主语 + have/has + 过去分词例句: I have visited Paris twice.(我已经去过巴黎两次了)She has written a novel.(她写过一本小说)

8 . 过去完成式: 主语 + had + 过去分词 例句: When they arrived, he had already left.(当他们到达的时候, 他已经走了)By that time, I had finished my homework.(那个时间点, 我已经做完作业了)

9 . 将来完成式: 主语 + will have + 过去分词 例句: By this time next year, we will have graduated from college.(明年这个时间点,我们就要从大学毕业了)I will have completed my project by Friday.(星期五之前我就会完成我的项目)

10 . 完成进行式: 主语 + have/has been + 动词 -ing例句: He has been studying English for five years.(他学英语已经五年了)They have been working on this project for months.(他们已经几个月都在做这个项目)

11 . 常用于虚拟条件从句中的情态动词would should could等:If students had more encouragement from their parents, they would perform better in school.. (如果学生得到更多来自父母的鼓励,他们会在学校表现更好) She said she could speak Spanish fluently (她说她能流利地讲西班牙语) 

12 . 完成虚拟式常用情态动词should/could/would/might/have 后接have+p.p.If she had studied harder for the test, she would have passed it.(如果她更用功复习考试,就可以通过考试) 

If he had come earlier, he could have seen the movie with us。(如果他早点到达,就可以和我们一起看电影了)