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英语口语社会变化话题 专升本英语口语考试话题?






可以的 考试题就是我的理想 我的信念什么的


话题素材会围绕我 我的理想 我的愿望


1. 描述你的时尚风格:What is your fashion style?

2. 你最喜欢的时装设计师是谁?Who is your favorite fashion designer?

3. 你认为什么是时尚的定义?What do you think is the definition of fashion?

4. 你如何看待快时尚对环境的影响?How do you feel about the impact of fast fashion on the environment?

5. 你会如何搭配衣服?How do you like to mix and match clothes?

6. 你觉得什么颜色最适合夏天?What color do you think is most suitable for summer?

7. 你最喜欢的服装品牌是什么?What is your favorite clothing brand?

8. 你认为什么样的配饰可以提升整体造型?What kind of accessories can enhance the overall look?

9. 你如何看待名牌和平价品牌之间的选择?How do you feel about the choice between famous brands and affordable brands?

10. 你会如何保持衣物的清洁和整洁?How do you keep your clothes clean and tidy?

11. 你认为什么样的服装适合办公室穿着?What kind of clothing is suitable for office wear?

12. 你如何看待时尚和舒适之间的平衡?How do you balance fashion and comfort?

13. 你会如何选择适合自己的鞋子?How do you choose shoes that suit you?

14. 你认为什么样的服装适合特殊场合?What kind of clothing is suitable for special occasions?

15. 你如何看待时尚趋势?How do you feel about fashion trends?




1. Where do you come from?

2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.

5. Could you tell me something about your family?

6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?




1.个人介绍 Self-introduction

2.学校生活 School life

3.我最好的朋友 My best friend

4.住房 Housing

5.我的家乡 My home town

6.爱好与学业 Hobbies and studies

7.推荐 Recommendations

8.饮食 Diet

9.购物 Shopping

10.电视 TV

11.节日 Festival

12.颜色 Colours

13.变迁 Changes

14.大熊猫 Giant pandas

15.义演 Charity show

16.时尚 Fashion

17.自然灾难 Natural disasters

18.迪斯尼乐园 Disneyland

19.电影 Films

20.保护动物 Protecting animals


1. 学习英语口语的话题陈述有万能模板。2. 因为在学习英语口语时,需要掌握一些基本的话题陈述模板,这些模板可以帮助我们更好地组织语言,提高口语表达能力。3. 例如,我们可以使用“我认为……是因为……”、“我同意/不同意……的观点,因为……”、“我想分享一下我的经历……”等模板来进行话题陈述。此外,还可以根据不同的场合和话题选择不同的模板,如面试、演讲、日常交流等。掌握这些模板可以帮助我们更自信地表达自己的观点和想法,提高英语口语水平。



1. Good morning/afternoon, class! - 同学们,早上/下午好!

2. How are you today? - 你们今天感觉怎么样?

3. Let's begin/start the lesson. - 让我们开始上课。

4. Open your books to page... - 打开书,翻到...页。

5. Repeat after me. - 跟我重复。

6. Can you hear me at the back? - 后面的同学能听到我说话吗?

7. Raise your hand if you have a question. - 如果有问题请举手。

8. Pay attention, please. - 请注意听讲。

9. Take turns to speak. - 轮流说话。

10. Practice this dialogue/conversation/passage. - 练习这段对话/会话/课文。

11. Speak louder/slower, please. - 请说大声/慢一点。

12. Can you give me an example/sentence using this word? - 可以给我一个使用这个单词的例子/句子吗?

13. Let's do a listening exercise. - 我们来做一项听力练习。

14. Work in pairs/groups. - 分组/小组合作。

15. Let's review what we have learned today. - 让我们复习一下今天学到的内容。

16. Do you have any questions about the homework? - 对作业有什么问题吗?

17. Well done/great job, class! - 同学们,做得很好!

18. Class dismissed. - 下课。
