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英语翻译? donterytoqitytokeepgoing英语翻译?



开始的英文翻译是start,可以作为名词、动词解释,具体解析如下:start英 [stɑ:t] 美 [stɑ:rt] n.开始;动身;开动;起点vt.起动;提出(问题);开办;使开始vi.起始;突然出现;突然跳起相关短语:

1、Housing Start 新屋开工率 ; 楼房破土动工 ; 新屋开工 ; 住房建筑开工数2、Start Screen 开始屏幕 ; 开始画面 ; 启动屏幕 ; 开端屏幕3、slow start 慢启动 ; 缓慢起动 ; 慢速启动 ; 缓启动4、Cap Start 始端加盖 ; 封闭起端 ; 关闭起端 ; 封口始端5、Start Recording 开始记录 ; 开始录制 ; 开始录音 ; 起头记载6、Start Date 开始日期 ; 起始日期 ; 出场背景 ; 信用卡开卡日7、CYCLE START 循环动 ; 循环启动 ; 启动命令 ; 循环开始8、start signal 起动信号 ; [计] 起始信号 ; 起启信号 ; 启动信号9、Game Start 游戏开始 ; 开始游戏 ; 游戏开始了 ; 比赛开始扩展资料相关例句:1、I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States 我一开始先问了问美国有多少所日托中心。

2、Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory 贝蒂的第一份工作是在服装厂里当运务员。

3、To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off abit now 一开始,她的压力很大,但现在已经好些了。

4、She started cleaning the kitchen. 她开始打扫厨房。

5、The Great War started in August of that year 第一次世界大战于那年8月爆发。


英语不能连起来写,词与词之间应该留出空格,即 don't ery to qity to keep going,不过其中的 ery to qity 写错了,可能是 try to quilt,意思是 “不要试图为了继续下去而东拼西凑”。


您好,中文名翻译成英文时,读法只要与中文一样即可。「林海」的英文名翻译:Lin, Hai (姓氏在名字前会以逗号做区别)一般用英文介绍自数先说名「海」再说姓氏「林」:Hai Lin (名字写在前则无需使用逗号)想自己另取一个有谐音的英文名可以考虑:Helen, Hellen, Haidi, Hank, Hans, Haidar, Haider因为外国人对於拼音的读法与我们有些出入所以有些人发音会稍微不太一样或甚至念不准确,但这不影响您自我介绍。



liberal and broad-minded liberal ,宽宏大度的broad-minded 心胸宽广这2个词连用比open and clear更好


chicken ribs


That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away


在电脑旁边英文:beside the computer 重点词汇:beside 读音:英 [bɪˈsaɪd] 美 [bɪˈsaɪd] prep.不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关;(表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边,,在…一侧,在…附近;(表示关系)与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上 adv.〈古〉同“besides” 例句:

1、I also put an electric fan beside the computer case. 我还在电脑机箱旁边放了一台电风扇。

2、I feel so tired, even feel like to fall down when I was sitting beside the computer after dinner. 吃好晚饭坐在电脑旁感到很累很累,有种要倒下的感觉。


热轧钢卷/板hot-rolled steel 冷轧钢卷/板refrigerated rolled steel花纹卷/板 sculped plank热镀锌钢卷/板hot-galvanized steel电镀锌钢卷/板galvanized steel彩涂卷/板chromatic steel镀铝锌钢卷/板 aluminum-zinc steel


smile 微笑 例如: She welcomed him with a smile. 她笑着表示欢迎他。




Currently,with the fantastic spurt of science and technology,and along with the dramatic improvement in people’s living standards nationwide,families in an mushrooming number have been easily affordable for two or more private cars.Not exaggeratedly speaking,we can never imagine what our life will transfer into ,without private cars,for a plain fact that the private cars do bring us more convenience than ever before.First and foremost,the private cars enable us to be more accessible and flexible to anywhere we want to go anytime.Moreover,private cars also serve as a impetus in our economy nationwide,for the cars industry can provide those unemployers with the reemployment opportunities.Nevertheless,every coin has two sides,more tough problems emerges with the private cars’ number exploding.For instance,private cars set off a great deal of fatal gases contaminating the environment,which in turn has seriously impaired our health.Furthermore,private cars will result in many originally evitable traffic jams or road accidents once the private cars are not correctly drived.Altogether,we should not throw away an apple for its core.As long as we take several feasible measures to enhance the management of private cars,we will make the most of the them.如今,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,随着全国人民生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭拥有了一辆或者两辆以上的私家车.毫不夸张地说,我们无法想象,如果我们没有私家车,我们的生活将会变成什么样子,这是因为一个很浅显的事实:私家车相比以往,的确给我们的生活带来了更多的便利.首先,私家车可以使我们的出行更灵活.有了私家车,我们可以更加容易地再任何一段时间,到任何一个地方.此外,由于汽车行业可以给那些失业者提供更多的再就业机会,因此,它可以促进经济的发展.然而,任何事物都有两面性.随着私家车数量的激增,越来越多棘手的问题也随之出现.比如,私家车排放大量的有毒尾气会污染环境,而且会损坏人类健康.此外,一旦私家车驾驶不当,原本可以避免的交通拥堵,甚或交通事故就会发生.总而言之,只要我们采取一些可行的措施来加强对私家车的监管,我们就一定能充分利用好私家车.