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Reading:建议先做剑桥8,主要是Test3和Test4 有关收集蚂蚁样本和有关杀虫剂使用的那几篇阅读较难; 随后再做剑9,主要是是剑9四个阅读题的难度均衡。 4567还是看看有没有时间吧,题型过老,估计没什么做的必要。 Listening : 集中做剑桥8Test 4 ( 还是Test3) 有一个街道地图配对, 还有一个section 4 关于澳大利亚土著文化Australian aboriginal 岩画类的听力,个人以为剑桥8这两篇听力偏难。 Writing: 剑桥8 Test

1 task 1 精练,主要是学习两个图如何建立联系; task

2 注意练练审题, 那篇题目 关于how to be a good member of society , 很容易被忽略。剑桥5 地图小作文 精练, 剑桥6 蚕产丝流程图精练, 剑桥9 关于美国能源曲线的那个小作文精练。 总之, 只练有考官范文的题目就行了, 其他没有范文的题目就免了。 楼主最好有剑桥10,2014年整年雅思比较变态,毕竟4-9有一段时间了。 加油, 祝你好运!


My name is Li Hua, 16 years old this year. The first secondary school in Jinan, graduated in June of this year. Parents in the local operating a small travel agency, summer vacation will be there to help. High 1:00 moving house, attending a new school, she met many friends. I like music, also participated in the school's gymnastics team. I think about the future development of talent to become a translator. To improve language skills, want to go to Cambridge University to study