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1、The reason why + 句子 is that+句子(...的原因是...)

2、We ought to supposed to expected to make efforts to realize our dreams.


3、Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。

4、Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。

5、No pains,no gains.没有付出就没有回报。

6、As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的……

7、It is generally recognized that…它普遍认为…

8、There is no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

9、For all that…对于这一切…… Inspite of the fact that…尽管事实……




1. Introduction:

- Hi, my name is [Your Name]. Nice to meet you.

- Hello, I'm [Your Name]. It's a pleasure to meet you.

- Good morning/afternoon/evening, I'm [Your Name]. How are you today?

2. Greeting:

- How are you doing?

- How have you been?

- What's new with you?

3. Asking about someone's day:

- How was your day?

- How did your day go?

- What did you do today?

4. Responding to someone's day:

- My day was great, thanks for asking. How about yours?

- It was a bit busy, but overall, it was good.

- I had a productive day. How about you?

5. Talking about the weather:

- Isn't the weather beautiful/awful today?

- I can't believe how hot/cold it is today.

- Have you seen the forecast for this week?

6. Asking for someone's opinion:

- What do you think about [topic]?

- How do you feel about [topic]?

- Do you have any thoughts on [topic]?

7. Giving opinions:

- In my opinion, [topic] is...

- I personally think that [topic]...

- From my perspective, [topic]...

8. Asking for recommendations:

- Can you recommend any good restaurants in this area?

- Do you have any book/movie recommendations?

- Where should I go for a fun night out?

9. Giving recommendations:

- I highly recommend [restaurant/book/movie]. It's amazing.

- You should definitely check out [restaurant/book/movie]. It's really good.

- If you're looking for a fun night out, I suggest going to [place/activity].

10. Ending the conversation:

- Well, it was nice talking to you. Have a great day!

- I have to go now, but it was great chatting with you.

- It was a pleasure meeting you. Take care!

Remember, the key to a good conversation is listening actively and showing genuine interest in the other person's responses.



1. 问候和交际用语

- Hello! / Hi! / Hey! 你好!

- How are you? 你好吗?

- What's up? 有什么新鲜事吗?

- Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

- How do you do? 你好吗?

2. 表达感谢和道歉

- Thank you. 谢谢。

- I'm sorry. 对不起。

- Excuse me. 对不起,打扰了。

- It's my fault. 这是我的错。

- No problem. 没问题。

3. 表达喜欢和不喜欢

- I like it. 我喜欢它。

- I don't like it. 我不喜欢它。

- I love it. 我爱它。

- I hate it. 我讨厌它。

- It's okay. 还可以。

4. 询问和表达意见

- What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?

- In my opinion... 我的观点是...

- I agree. 我同意。

- I disagree. 我不同意。

- Maybe. 可能吧。

5. 请求和建议

- Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?

- Could you please...? 你能请...吗?

- Let's... 让我们...

- Why don't you...? 你为什么不...?

- How about...? ...怎么样?



我的英语口语很不好翻译成英文是My spoken English is very poor.







1. **提建议**: 使用"I suggest that..."或"Why not...?"来提出建议。

2. **给原因**: "The reason why...is that..."用于解释原因或理由。

3. **连接句/过渡句**: "In addition to...", "Furthermore...", "Moreover..."用于添加信息;"However...", "On the other hand..."用于对比。

4. **结尾句**: "In conclusion...", "To sum up..."用于总结观点。

5. **高级句型**: 使用从句(如定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句),动名词作主语(-ing),倒装句/虚拟语气,强调句(it形式主语)等。

6. **引用谚语**: "As the proverb says..."用来引用相关的谚语或格言,增加论证的说服力。

7. **表达个人观点**: "In my opinion...", "I believe that..."用于表达个人看法。

8. **描述趋势**: "With the development of..."用于描述某种趋势或变化。

9. **表达必要性**: "It is necessary for us to...", "We must..."用于强调某事的必要性。

10. **表达感谢**: "I would like to thank you for..."用于表示感激。



首先,大家可以对自己做一个简单介绍,比如说:Hello, everyone, my name is …

然后,简单说一下自己的基本情况,比如本科院校,本科专业。I graduate from …university and majored in…

其次,说一说自己的兴趣爱好。I like …in my spare time.

最后,说一说感谢的套话。Thanks for your listening.


当然,以下是一个英语口语考试的万能模版,你可以根据自己的情况进行修改和完善。开头部分:问候考官,自我介绍。例如:Good morning/afternoon, [Name of the Examiner]. My name is [Your Name].简要介绍自己的话题或主题。例如:Today, I would like to talk about [Topic/Theme].主体部分:引入话题或背景信息。例如:Firstly, let me introduce the background of [Topic/Theme].详细阐述观点或给出具体例子。例如:In my opinion, [Opinion on Topic/Theme]. For example, [Example related to Topic/Theme].回答问题或展开讨论。例如:To answer your question, [Answer to the specific question].结尾部分:总结自己的观点或主题。例如:In conclusion, [Summary of your opinion on Topic/Theme].感谢考官的倾听和提问。例如:Thank you for listening and asking questions.



1. 自我介绍模板:Hello everyone, my name is [你的名字]. I am [你的年龄] years old and I come from [你的所在地]. I am currently studying [你的学科] at [你的学校]. In my free time, I enjoy [你的爱好/兴趣]. I am excited to be here today and I look forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas with all of you.

2. 兴趣爱好模板:One of my favorite hobbies is [你的爱好]. I have been interested in this activity since [你开始感兴趣的时间]. It brings me joy and allows me to relax. Moreover, it has taught me [你从这个爱好中学到的东西]. I often engage in this hobby with [你与谁一起进行该爱好]. I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion and continue to learn and grow.

3. 旅行经历模板:I have had the privilege of traveling to [你去过的地方]. One of the most memorable trips was when I visited [你最难忘的旅行目的地]. The experience was incredible as I got to [你在那里做了什么]. I learned so much about [你从旅行中学到的东西]. The people, culture, and scenery were all inspiring. I believe that traveling broadens our horizons and allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the world.



1. 一般疑问句:

- 用于询问信息:Do you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗?

- 用于征求意见或建议:What do you think about this movie? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

- 用于邀请或请求:Would you like to join us for dinner? 你想和我们一起吃晚餐吗?

2. 特殊疑问句:

- 用于询问原因:Why do you like apples? 你为什么喜欢苹果?

- 用于询问方式:How do you like apples? 你怎么喜欢吃苹果?

- 用于询问时间、地点等:When do you usually eat apples? 你通常什么时候吃苹果?

3. 陈述句:

- 用于表达观点:I think apples are healthy. 我认为苹果很健康。

- 用于描述:Apples are round and red. 苹果是圆的,红色的。

- 用于提供建议:You should try eating apples. 你应该尝试一下吃苹果。

4. 祈使句:

- 用于提出要求:Please pass me an apple. 请递给我一个苹果。

- 用于给予建议:Eat an apple a day. 每天吃一个苹果。

5. 感叹句:

- 用于表达惊喜、高兴等情绪:Wow, this apple is so juicy! 哇,这个苹果真多汁!
