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culture festival作文? 有关business culture的作文?


一、culture festival作文?

Every year, there's a culture festival in Victoria, as Australian came from different country, they bring in multi culture and custom, that is why there is culture festival held in every year, let all people understand their different, so we can live together nicely.

二、有关business culture的作文?

Your business culture underpins how engaged and productive your colleagues are on a daily basis, and whether they choose to stay with you over your competitors. It’s one of the top drivers for the best talent to join you. It’s the differentiator in how you deliver your service or products to your customers. The value in aligning the brand you portray externally with the internal day-to-day experience of your employees, is substantial, as repeatedly demonstrated by winning organisations.

三、作文culture shock a fish out of water?

Culture Shock:A Fish Out of Water

There is no denying the fact that culture shock has become a hotly debated topic in the modern world. Culture shock is taken as a temporary disorientation that results form being confront with unfamiliar language, different customs, strange culture, and so on.

People who travel to or living in a strange country usually often experience at least four distinct stages of culture shock. During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated with the new culture. It is obvious that newcomers are interested in everything in the different state. They see so many different things such as different buildings, different food and different plant. When communicating with foreigners, they feel very excited.

Unfortunately, this phase comes to an end soon as the newcomers have to set out to study, live or work in the new nation. They must cope with such problems as housing, transport and communication. They do not know when to shake hands, what to say when they meet people and how to make purchases, which make them feel helpless. They lost interesting in the new country and become increasingly anxiety.

In the purpose of being successful in the new country, they try to accept the host culture. In order to adapt to customs and habits, they try to master some problem-solving skills. In few months, they become accustomed to the new culture.

In the last stage, they are comfortable with the language and custom of the host country. The stage is often referred to as the biculturalism stage.


Fashion usually refers to the trend of outfit and accessories preferred by most.

However, different age groups, cultures, have a range of ideas over the latest fashions. It is a difficult task to determine what is In and what is Out as a phenomena. One can, however, suggest certain familiar trends to be a representation of the latest and most popular amongst asians over the years.

Looking back, a fashion statement in the 60s will the well known Agogo style with there retro outfits and oversized accessories. Today, we only know too well the korean and japanese hotties that every asian seems to attempt at copying.

In conlcusion, fashion is no doubt what everyone aims to achieve but can never define. Afterall, its everchanging and repeats itself every now and then.


Tell me where you live.


This is where I live.


Sit where I can see you.


I knew where he was hiding.


Can you guess where I've been?


Daddy, where are you?


Is this where we turn off?



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